Saturday, January 19, 2013

New Years Resolutions 2013

Ok, ok, I'm retardedly late on posting this, but I've been busy, I tell ya! So better late than never, right? Seems like a lot, but I feel like this year is a pivotal point for many reasons. I'm approaching my pre-baby fitness levels, have the opportunity to make some good money and great contacts for future employment, and Joe and I are facing some tough obstacles right now. How I/we end up is a product of how much work and focus we exert in the next 12 months.

Health and Fitness
PR the Princess Half (2:29:00)
Run an 8-minute pace 5k
Run the Army 10-Miler in 1:40:00
Earn a 280 or better on my APFT
Go paleo for Lent; make strides toward living wheat and dairy free permanently
Squat 100#
Earn the German Armed Forces Badge

Finances and Professional Growth
Keep at least $25,000 in savings/investments for down payment on a home
Make FYC profitable
Open and maintain Etsy shop
Complete CCC
Find a full-time job making at least $65,000 a year
Blog more
Spend less money on "things"
Create monthly budget and stick to it

Family and Marriage
Keep home cleaner and more organized
No Instagram/Facebook/Pinterest until Nash is in bed
One "date night" a week - movie/tv night
Two "date nights" per month - get a babysitter and go out
Attend marriage counseling
Be more patient with Nash, but maintain a sense of discipline
Go on as many vacations as possible - search for low-budget options

Finding Time... empty my camera roll, that is!

Handsome man at his 2-year well check.

He's gonna knock the socks off of some ladies one day...

This next one is just awesome...Joe freezing his, er, snots off at ICE! at Gaylord Palms.

We had the most beautiful sunset a while edits to these next two.  Just gorgeous...

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