Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday's Fashion Wrap Up vol 15

This was a short week, and it's been super cold, but we kept on keepin' on with these photos.  Just laughed out loud thinking about how one of my friends posted their preggo belly pics on Facebook and titled the Album "I Give the People What They Want."  Precisely...


Pants and Sweater:  Arden B
Tank:  Target
Shoes:  Steve Madden
Ring:  Charlotte Russe


Skinnies and Shirt:  Old Navy (new)
Belt:  Charlotte Russe
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson


Skinnies:  Charlotte Russe (Seen here, here, and here)
Sweater and Shirt:  H&M
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson

Nash:  Gap head-to-toe


Leggings:  Arden B (Seen here and here)
Tank:  Express
Jacket:  New York & Co
Boots:  Shoedazzle (Seen here)
Bangle:  J. Crew

So, that's it, in a nutshell!   I'm off this coming Monday too, so it'll be another short post.  But I'm hoping to post Christmas/holiday pics, New Years Resolutions, and a few other things during my time off, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Years Resolutions

1. Go soda free in 2012! 2. Go vegan for 30 straight days 3. Limit sweets to weekends and special occasions (insert witty comment about non-special occasions) 4. Finally get finances under control 5. Save $5k and pay off CC 6. Sell car and buy a mama ride 7. Sell house and move into forever family home 8. Keep blog alive...make $ 9. Start a business 10. Get to 130lbs and stay there 11. Run half marathon in under 3 hours 12. Learn how to say no. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Biggest Mistake Ever

I completely regret ever giving my baby a pacifier. It's been a solid week now since we took it away and it's not getting any better. He's refusing to sleep, needing us to rock him and rock him until our arms fall off, and will just cry and cry. I never knew it would be this difficult or take this long. I read a lot of forums about this before deciding to finally take it away and everything said "a few days." It's literally been a week and I don't feel it getting any easier. It's just one hurdle after my kid was born hating sleep. Makes me feel like I've done something wrong...makes me wonder if it's ever going to get better or if I'll be rocking him to sleep when he's 5. All you parents out that have kids that you place in the crib and they fall thankful. And stop sharing for great sleep stories...I'm liable to snap. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday's Fashion Wrap Up vol 14

This week was the Nerdy Chic Edition...something like where spectacles meets sweater vests.  I actually came up with the idea after being unable to put my contacts in Monday morning, so I was totally rocking the four eyes.  So, why not embrace it?!

Flash to Thursday morning and I'm standing in my closet thinking, I'm totally out of nerdy clothes.  So, admittedly, my outfits were not that nerdy.  But I tried.  And I definitely wore some different things this week, so that's a success in my book.

Here goes!


Pants and Wedges:  Charlotte Russe (Seen here)
Sweater: Hollister
Ruffle Tank:  Target
Belt:  Express
Spectacles:  D&G via LensCrafters


Skirt:  Target (Seen here)
Sweater:  Hollister
Ruffle Tank:  H&M
Flats:  Charlotte Russe


Skirt, Shirt, and Vest:  Express  (Seen here)
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson
Earrings:  Charlotte Russe


Dress:  ASOS (Seen here)
Cardi:  H&M (Seen here and here)
Shoes: Charlotte Russe
Pearls:  Express
Other flower necklace:  DIY by ME!

Nash's Truck Jammies:  Old Navy


Jeans and Top:  H&M (Seen here)
Flats:  Guess
Lipstick:  Coral Crush by Maybelline
No Smile:  It's Friday and everyone is off from work except me.

And that's it!  I was going to do a Christmas theme, but I own like one red top and one green dress and that's it!  Red is a bit extreme for most circumstances and I look terrible in green, so you get nerdy instead!

Thoughts, comments, complaints, suggesstions...feel free to coment below or email me at dipinto410{at}gmail{dot}com.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Week in iPhone Pics #19

So, I was a little crazy with the pics this week. I think I was trying to make up for a few weeks of less-then plentiful photos, or maybe this was just a photo-friendly week.  Either way, I'm going to make you sit through a long post filled with way too many pics of my cute (I think) little man...and a few other things too.  Oh, and when you're done here, head on over to a good life and see how their week went.

In case you noticed, I skipped Sunday.  Those pics were covered by his birthday post.

Monday started out with an unhappy little man.   Apparently, my flash is not the first thing he wants to see in the morning.  The rest of my morning was filled with half-marathon registration and candy cane eating.  Love this time of year.  After lunch we hit up the doctor for Nash's 12-month well visit and learned he is in fact perfect.

It had been a dreary couple of days here, so I was not surprised to find myself in rainy traffic on the way home Monday.  My dreary mood was lifted, however, as soon as I got home and saw how much Nash loves his Thomas the Train!  The boys discussed the dynamics of ceiling fans in front of the Christmas tree.

Tuesday began with some milk drinking (he loves it now that I add vanilla extract to it - best advice ever).  Work meant passing off some of the mother-in-laws cookies and saying goodbye to a co-worker who decided to jump ship - leaving each of us with a token to remember her by (check out mine).  The rain was finally drying up, so I raced home to have dinner with the boys before playtime.

Nash loves his new music table.  Know what else he loves?  Attacking daddy and pointing at E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.

Sometimes work life crosses into regular life...which is exactly what happened Wednesday morning.  We talked about goal-setting, and I got all motivated.  I need to check back in with my 30-Before-30 list and think about some resolutions (no more sugar = must).  At lunch, I hit up the photo store to check out some fun colored camera bags (Christmas is coming up!).

After work, Bubs and I share a delicious meal in front of the tv (mom of the year award).  After dinner, he felt the need to rearrange his room and settled into the big chair to read himself a few stories.  They grow up so fast, you know...

Thursday was a beautiful day!!  Which really irked me since I was stuck inside all day.  But I did manage to break out during lunch to feel the sun on my ankles and grab some Ben n Jerry's (there's that damn sugar again).  Thursdays are always rough work days and judging by the amount of red ink on this report, this Thursday was about par for the course.

That night, Bubs decided it was super comfy to sleep on the tile and chewed on his friends after inviting them into his ball pit.  Such a good host.

Friday was cookie exchange day at work, so I walked away with a ton of yummy treats (really, Theresa?  More Sugar??)  Nash discovered it's really awesome to keep your blanket on your head all the time.  We watched some Yo Gabba and cuddled for 10 minutes before he realized it was way cooler to chill in his carseat and watch.  He also mastered sticking the foam letters onto the tiles during bath time (hi naked baby tushie).

After the little man conked out, I met some friends out for a few drinks.  We got pretty silly and I was super stoked when Joe showed up to hang out (he was working, but got to leave early)!

Bubs woke up super happy on Saturday (especially during tent time with daddy).  While he napped, I whipped up a cute little diaper cover (using this tutorial) for this sweet photo shoot I have been planning (will share soon).  We also got some new friends shipping in for Nash's birthday from my dad.

While daddy chilled on the golf course with his dad, Mama and Nash headed to the toddler park in Viera.  It's made for kids aged 2-5, so he was right at home with the little slides and tunnels (and may have enjoyed the mulch way too much).

Perfect ending?  Dinner and margaritas with my main man.

Who could imagine a better week?!  Go ahead, try me...

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday's Fashion Wrap Up vol 13

It's Friday!  And thank's been such a super busy week, I need a mental recharge for sure.  Can't wait to just hang out with my little man and avoid responsibility all together!  But before I can do that, we've got to talk fashion.  For those of you who are new here, let me explain.  When I first got into blogging, I noticed a lot of mommy/baby bloggers would post about fashion every now and then.  Some sewing/craft bloggers would post more often.  And then there were the full-blown fashion bloggers.  I decided I was going to be a hybrid of sorts and do it all.  The FFWU was born!

Each week I photograph what I wore and I share it here.  It's very similar to what everyone else does, but it's giving me a reason to be adventurous and find things hidden in the deep recesses of my closet that may never have been found if not for FFWU.  This week's feature has some surprises!  Here goes:

Surprise!  I forgot to take a pic!  (not really a surprise)

Crops, Tank, and Belt: Express (Seen here and here)
Shirt:  Target
Shoes:  Shoedazzle (new)
Cuff:  Aldo Accessories

Dress:  Gap (50% off!!)
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson
Earrings:  Aldo Accessories

Jeans:  H&M
Shirt:  Bebe
Cardi:  Target (Seen here and here)
Belt:  Charlotte Russe
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson

Pants:  Gap
Shirt:  Gifted from ??

Jeans, Top, Wedges, and Earrings:  Charlotte Russe
White Under Tank: Banana Republic

A while back I posted that I highly encouraged you all the do your own version of FFWU...even if you don't blog...just send me your photos and I'll give you a shoutout!  Well, my dear friend Carolyn did just that (surprise #2 - guest feature!).  She was great about remembering to take her photos and sending me all the info I needed to feature her.  Fashion blogger in the making!  So here she is, straight from the west coast!

Jeans:  Lucky
Tank: JCrew
Top: INC from Macy's
Shoes: DSW (her go-to shoes!)

Dress: Gap
Scarf and Leggings:  Express
Boots:  JCPenney


Jeans, Shirt, and Sweater: JCrew
Scarf (last minute addition when she realized the tank was a little low for work): Express
Boots: Zappos
Necklace: Tiffany's


Jeans:  Gap
Shirt:  Old Navy
Shoes:  Style and Co from Macy's
Necklace:  Tiffany's (she has a great husband)

The other thing I forgot to mention about Carolyn's outfits is that she tried to wear green or red every single day this week in honor of the holidays.  Just when you think it's too much work to put together an outfit and take a pic, the girl throws in a theme too!  Mad props go out to Carolyn for being a part of FFWU...maybe one day she'll start a blog and we can stare at her outfits every week!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Toddler is Born - The 12-Month Post!

I don't even know where to begin. My baby, my sweet little man, is no longer a baby! He's all growed up! Hard to believe that now I officially have a toddler and am no longer eligible to use the "I just had a baby" excuse. Time sure has flown by!

The plan is to do a video blog (or vlog for you web peeps) every month now instead of the usual photo dump post. That being said, however, I plan to overload you with pics from this weekend since you really are only 1 once, and it's truly monumental, and damn it, he looked so cute in his little outfit. So here goes:

On Saturday, we hit up not one, but two birthday parties! First up, our friend Chase turned one! Unfortunately, there were so many people and kids there that I didn't even think about taking pics (we were chasing after Nash the whole time). It was this totally cute Polar Express theme too!

After staying about an hour, we headed back up to Gymboree for Daniel's 1st Birthday party! Gymbo the Clown had just made her appearance by the time we got there, so timing was awesome!

Isn't their pilot theme just too cute?! Love the banner! And Daniel is such a sweet boy, we were so excited to be a part of their day.

The next morning, we were up bright and early! After an impromptu rendition of Happy Birthday first thing in the morning, we settled in for a special breakfast of orange-glazed cinnamon rolls (he actually didn't like them that much).

Around 1 pm, the kiddos started arriving and it was game time. Nash had so much fun with all his little friends, and it was good to catch up with some of the adults.

His friend Cooper (2) showing his how to master Thomas the Train!

The little man rocking his DIY Darth Vader cape and his tee! Best craft project ever...wish I had better pics, but it's awesome!

Unfortunately, when we opened the box for his smash cake, it had fallen over! I guess they put too much raspberry filling and the top 3 layers detached from the bottom layer and it totally slammed into the side of the box. After I had a fit because I had planned on displaying it and yadda yadda, Joe's mom managed to smear it back together. Bubs didn't know any different, so all was well.

Who needs hands?!

The money shot.

Joe, Nash, Chase, and Jeff.

All the kiddos loved this Elmo plane that my BFF Mindy had sent all the way from Iraq!

Linish is practicing for his own big day (not really...)!

The next day, we hit up the pediatrician's office for his one-year well visit. It's always so great to check in with the doctor and see how he's measuring up and ask her questions (especially now that we only go every 3 months).

This was the first time he was able to just cruise around the exam room while we waited for them to come in, and he was loving it. Especially dragging the toys around the room...

All these shots were pre-vaccinations - which never goes well. He got three shots in one day - poor thing! And it was not pretty. I know there's a lot of debate out there about vaccines and whatnot, but we've chosen to follow dr's orders since she seems really knowledgeable and we can tell she cares a lot about taking care of babies.

Here are his 12-month stats:

Height: 31.75 inches (97th percentile)
Weight: 23 lbs 12 oz (75th percentile)
Prognosis: Perfect!

She recommended we start giving him vitamins and that he see a dentist as soon as possible, since he is rocking 8 teeth now!

He could be the next Abercrombie model! Rocking the nothing-pack abs! Joe always jokes that he looks just like the e-Trade baby, which totally weirds me out since that baby is tad creepy.

Vlog post coming soon!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Week in iPhone Pics #18

What a crazy week!  I knew that since I had drill last weekend and Bub's birthday party was this Sunday that it was going to be crazy, but wow.  I'm exhausted and the week's just starting.  I need a vacation...too bad I used it all in August (which got messed up thanks to a hurricane randomly hitting the northeast).  Shoutouts to Amy for starting this cool linkup...   If you like this puppy, head on over to a good's full of goodness.

Get ready, here comes the week:

Sunday was the last day of drill until February!!  But that meant a whole weekend of briefings..ugh!  I tried really hard to stay awake, but it truly was death by powerpoint. I eventually had to sneak out to try and get some actual work done.

That night, I was so sore from the PT test on Saturday and exhausted from the week in general (plus Joe had to work a charity event at the bar), so I crawled into a hot bath with leftover Chipotle and my phone.  #perfection

Back to work, back to work, work, work, work, work!  Monday I spent quite a bit of time at the front desk because Mel had a little car trouble and couldn't make it in.  That meant lots of selfies, for sure. 

After work, we met Joe's parents at our favorite sushi restaurant where Bubs annihilated all the food we brought, then proceeded to go buck wild.  After wrangling him into the car to get home for a bath, we remembered that TWO boxes had come from my friend Mindy and were waiting to be opened!  She had her mom sent Nash a birthday and a Christmas gift all the way from Iraq!  That's friendship, people!

The time was c.r.a.w.l.i.n.g. on Wednesday (especially those last 11 minutes), so I tried to pass the time by taking weird selfies.  This is what goes on in radio...didn't you know? 

Daddy was working again, so Bubs and I had dinner and snuggled a bit before calling it a day.

Thursday was a play place day!!  Bubs is really starting to attack that place...he sprawled all over the plane, then took over the toy section.  He was playing with the older kids even, although some of them were running him over.  He finally decided it was cool to push the stroller himself (I have been waiting for this day), so it took us quite a while to get back to work.  I spent the rest of the day perfecting the invite for our company Christmas party (can you say "last minute"?).

Once again, there was a giant box waiting when I got home.  This time, Nash's Aunts had sent this incredible wooden table and chairs with sports stuff all over them!  Nash just had to help daddy get it put together THAT NIGHT.  And he totally took to the chairs and has been crawling (and standing) all over them ever since.  Thanks Aunt Geega and Aunt Paula!

Friday Nash decided he would rather eat his birthday cards then read them, and I figured there must be fiber in them or something, so why not.  After dinner, we snuggled on the couch for some Yo Gabba, and then I picked up a bit while Bubs sat in the corner and read his books (when did this start happening?). 

Since Joe was at work (again), I stayed up late getting the house ready for the big weekend and even knocked out the foam lightsabers for the party (which were a hit, I might add).   Thanks to Pinterest for that idea!

I'm so bummed I didn't take any pics at the first party we went to!  Ok, let me back up.  Saturday we had not one, but two birthday parties to attend!  And they were both at the same time!  First, we headed down south to our friend's Amanda, Jeff, and Baby Chase for his first birthday.  They had this awesome polar express theme and tons of kids, good food, and fun times (which is why I'm bummed I didn't take pics).  And to be honest, the pic from Stacie, Daniel, and Baby Daniel's party above - Joe took it.  Yep, bad mother. 

I did, however, manage to take pics of Joe and I on our margarita date (priorities, I tell ya!)...

So that's the week!  Look for the post with birthday party and ONE YEAR update pics coming soon!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday's Fashion Wrap Up Vol. 12

As my loyal FFWU readers will recall, I said I was planning on hitting up H&M this weekend while I was in Orlando for drill.  Well as it turns out, I DID!  So I got a few new pieces to show off for this week.  If you haven't been to H&M, I highly advise you do so.  I have to drive an hour to mine, so I only go when I'm in town for the Army, but it's so worth it.  They have up-to-the-minute trends and their prices are totally reasonable.  I don't think I've paid more than $60 for a dress (average dress at Express STARTS at $60) and they have tons of basics and accessories.  Anyhoo, that's my shameless, totally unpaid H&M plug.

Now that you've added a trip to H&M on your calendar, let's get down to the nitty gritty:


Skirt: H&M (new!)
Tee: Express
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson
Earrings:  Charlotte Russe


Dress:  H&M (new!! and I realized I already have this dress in pink!)
Shoes:  Shoedazzle
Earrings:  Aldo Accessories
Ring:  Charlotte Russe


Printed Top:  H&M (old)
Sweater Vest:  H&M (old)
Leggings:  Adren B
Boots:  Shoedazzle

SH*T, I forgot to take a pic on Thursday!!  Good thing it was kind of a boring outfit.


Skinnies and Necklace:  Charlotte Russe
Tanks: American Eagle and PacSun
Printed Wrap/Cardi thing: H&M (new)
Shoes:  Shoedazzle (new)
I love his pose...what is that exactly, little man??

I think I managed to wear something from H&M - either old or new - every day this week (even Thursday, which I didn't take a picture of, but just trust me).    Inadvertantly, that was the theme for this week, I guess.

Sunday is Nash's First Birthday!  We're have his  party that day, so there will be lots of pics posted in the next week or so.  I'm really excited about all the little projects I did working towards this party, so I can't wait to share it all with you!
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