Thursday, June 23, 2011

Letters to Nash

One of my favorite bloggers, Melissa over at Dear Baby, writes sweet little letters to her daughter Everly at various intervals throughout her growth to serve as a sort of baby book rememberance kind of thing.  I thought this was a great much more personal when directed at the baby.  So I thought I would steal borrow the idea and do the same for Nash.  I wrote one for his 5-month birthday, but never posted it, so will do that sometime soon.  Here's the one for his 6-month birthday:

My Dearest Nash,

My gosh, you are too much!  You're so incredibly full of energy, charm, and love I can hardly handle it.  Every day you wake up with a smile and play play play until your eyes droop and you go comatose!  You love to jump jump jump in the stationary jumper, the doorway jumper, Mama's/Daddy's arms...wherever and whenever you get a chance.  You are sitting up all on your own now, but you seem to prefer to be up with everyone else, so you only tolerate it if someone is sitting with you.  You've become adept at grabbing/swiping things.  Every day it seems something gets swiped or swooped out or pulled in that we weren't expecting!   Your coordination is awesome!

You are still tall and skinny and are wearing 12-month clothes right now!  Mama and Daddy get so worn out just lugging you around these days!  You have two cute little teeth, but we think you might have another one coming (based on the increase in drool these last few days).  Your eyes are still blue, but do have bits of light brown forming around the center, so we're still not quite sure what color they will eventually end up.

You love to eat!! You don't really care much for milk most of the time (although you drink it wholeheartedly sometimes too), but you LOVE real food.  Anything that Mama eats, you want...doesn't matter that you only have two little're willing to try.  There hasn't been anything we've given you that you don't like (well, except for that time when Daddy thought it would be good to give you rice cereal and plain potatoes...he quickly tasted it and realized it was like cardboard).  You L.O.V.E bananas, avocado, and watermelon...but also take quickly to peas, squash, and green beans.  You don't care much for juice though, no matter how much or how little water we add...we have to trick you to drink it (trying to make sure you are properly hydrated and, erm, regular).

You are so smart!!  You practice crawling all the time and have even managed to get yourself really high up the side of the crib (you use the bumpers).  You are so curious in everything going on around you and enjoy watching us do things.  You also really love to watch other kids...I feel like you are absorbing their skills through some sort of baby osmosis.  And you have a knack for photos!  Surprisingly, you look right in the lens whenever Mama shoves a camera in your face and are never shy to smile, scream, or throw me a dirty look if you're just not feeling it.

Your daddy and I are tired, but love every minute with you.  We've yet to leave you alone to spend time together because we both agree we'd miss you!  But we plan on a date night as soon as Grammy and Grampy get here because we know you'll be safe and happy with them.  Our perfect days involve time at home or getting outdoors and just watching you play and learn.  You're truly the light of our lives...and we're so lucky that you're our baby (Mama's still in disbelief).

P.S.  Doctor says you're perfect!

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