Sunday, June 5, 2011

Reaching Milestones and A Great Weekend

Yesterday Nash and I got to spend the whole day together.  We went to Gymboree in the morning (which we don't always do because it's at 10 am which is usually right in the middle of his nap).  We wowed the other mommies with our two teefs (teeth) and even managed to show off our almost crawling skills.  Here's a little video I took of him practicing.

Then we made the trek to Publix to do the grocery shopping for the week.  He only last about half way sitting in the cart before he wanted to be held, so I put him in the Baby Bjorn and we finished up.  Poor little man was exhausted by the time we got home.  We spent the rest of the afternoon playing, practicing our skills and even took a nap in the middle of the living room with Mama.

Today we slept in a bit (740), but resumed our normal play time.  Mornings for us usually include milk, diaper change, breakfast (we had pears and barley today), solitary playtime in our room (with lots of toys), then either a bit of Yo Gabba Gabba or some jumper time.  Then we go down for our nap around 9-930.

After our nap this morning, we packed everything up and headed to the park.  We don't actually have any good parks near our house (reason #1 why we are moving), but there's a park kinda close that we don't usually go to because it's a bit ghetto.  But we decided to brave it today to get outside.  We even went in the baby swing!  We took a stroller ride around the park to the lake where lots of people were swimming.  There was a sign about amoebas and parasites though so we opted not to let him test the water.

After our park trip, we stopped by Home Depot to pick up some stuff to finish off our front room make over. Once we finish with that room, it's time to take pictures and list the house!  I wasn't feeling too well in HD though (combo of a tough run this morning and too much heat), so we had to hurry up.  Plus Muffin was ready for a nap by then.

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