Sunday, June 19, 2011

Our First Father's Day

Today was the best day...for all parties involved.  I asked Joe yesterday what he wanted to do for his very first father's day, and he said, "Get Stuff Done."  Well, alright then.

We started the day off lying in bed with muffin (who decided he wanted to get up at 6:30 am...darn you).  Then we played for a while before Nashie had to take his first nap.  Once he was down, Joe and I started back in on the front room.  For those who don't know, we are trying to sell our house and move to a nicer neighborhood, so we've got a few minor things to do to the house to get it ready to show.  We had to repaint our front room since it was this really dark shade of now it's this really boring shade of beige.  Blech.  While Joe painted, I packed some of our extra stuff up in boxes so that everything looks very clean and presentable.

When Nashie woke up, we set up a new play area for him in the newly put-together front room.  I had previously purchased one of those round baby gates for when he starts crawling, so we put it to use finally.  We took some of the foam tiles from his room, set up the fence, and then filled it with friends (aka toys).  He had a ball for quite some time, although he did ask (aka cry and whine) for me to come in and sit with him.  After playing for a bit, it was time to do a little hanging out, and then down for nap #2. 

Joe and I proceeded to nap too.  Ahhhh, bliss.

When he we woke up, we headed outside for some yard time.  We set up the baby pool, put on some baggies, and got wet.  Once he was bored with the pool (about 5 minutes), we just rolled around on a blanket.  Nash kept trying to get to the edge of the blanket so he could pull up blades of grass and try to shove them in his mouth before Mama noticed. 

Then everyone ate dinner, took a quickie baby bath, had some milk, Dr. Suess, and lullabies...then passed out.  Joe and I relaxed a bit, did some cleaning (FINALLY vacuumed our bedroom), and then hit the sack. 

Overall, a great Sunday.

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1 comment:

  1. sounds alot like our fathers day- when i asked derek what he wanted to do he said, "clean the garage". so thats what we did when the baby went to bed last night.
    looks like yall had a great day!!!


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