Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Toddler is Born - The 12-Month Post!

I don't even know where to begin. My baby, my sweet little man, is no longer a baby! He's all growed up! Hard to believe that now I officially have a toddler and am no longer eligible to use the "I just had a baby" excuse. Time sure has flown by!

The plan is to do a video blog (or vlog for you web peeps) every month now instead of the usual photo dump post. That being said, however, I plan to overload you with pics from this weekend since you really are only 1 once, and it's truly monumental, and damn it, he looked so cute in his little outfit. So here goes:

On Saturday, we hit up not one, but two birthday parties! First up, our friend Chase turned one! Unfortunately, there were so many people and kids there that I didn't even think about taking pics (we were chasing after Nash the whole time). It was this totally cute Polar Express theme too!

After staying about an hour, we headed back up to Gymboree for Daniel's 1st Birthday party! Gymbo the Clown had just made her appearance by the time we got there, so timing was awesome!

Isn't their pilot theme just too cute?! Love the banner! And Daniel is such a sweet boy, we were so excited to be a part of their day.

The next morning, we were up bright and early! After an impromptu rendition of Happy Birthday first thing in the morning, we settled in for a special breakfast of orange-glazed cinnamon rolls (he actually didn't like them that much).

Around 1 pm, the kiddos started arriving and it was game time. Nash had so much fun with all his little friends, and it was good to catch up with some of the adults.

His friend Cooper (2) showing his how to master Thomas the Train!

The little man rocking his DIY Darth Vader cape and his tee! Best craft project ever...wish I had better pics, but it's awesome!

Unfortunately, when we opened the box for his smash cake, it had fallen over! I guess they put too much raspberry filling and the top 3 layers detached from the bottom layer and it totally slammed into the side of the box. After I had a fit because I had planned on displaying it and yadda yadda, Joe's mom managed to smear it back together. Bubs didn't know any different, so all was well.

Who needs hands?!

The money shot.

Joe, Nash, Chase, and Jeff.

All the kiddos loved this Elmo plane that my BFF Mindy had sent all the way from Iraq!

Linish is practicing for his own big day (not really...)!

The next day, we hit up the pediatrician's office for his one-year well visit. It's always so great to check in with the doctor and see how he's measuring up and ask her questions (especially now that we only go every 3 months).

This was the first time he was able to just cruise around the exam room while we waited for them to come in, and he was loving it. Especially dragging the toys around the room...

All these shots were pre-vaccinations - which never goes well. He got three shots in one day - poor thing! And it was not pretty. I know there's a lot of debate out there about vaccines and whatnot, but we've chosen to follow dr's orders since she seems really knowledgeable and we can tell she cares a lot about taking care of babies.

Here are his 12-month stats:

Height: 31.75 inches (97th percentile)
Weight: 23 lbs 12 oz (75th percentile)
Prognosis: Perfect!

She recommended we start giving him vitamins and that he see a dentist as soon as possible, since he is rocking 8 teeth now!

He could be the next Abercrombie model! Rocking the nothing-pack abs! Joe always jokes that he looks just like the e-Trade baby, which totally weirds me out since that baby is tad creepy.

Vlog post coming soon!


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