Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday's Fashion Wrap Up Vol. 12

As my loyal FFWU readers will recall, I said I was planning on hitting up H&M this weekend while I was in Orlando for drill.  Well as it turns out, I DID!  So I got a few new pieces to show off for this week.  If you haven't been to H&M, I highly advise you do so.  I have to drive an hour to mine, so I only go when I'm in town for the Army, but it's so worth it.  They have up-to-the-minute trends and their prices are totally reasonable.  I don't think I've paid more than $60 for a dress (average dress at Express STARTS at $60) and they have tons of basics and accessories.  Anyhoo, that's my shameless, totally unpaid H&M plug.

Now that you've added a trip to H&M on your calendar, let's get down to the nitty gritty:


Skirt: H&M (new!)
Tee: Express
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson
Earrings:  Charlotte Russe


Dress:  H&M (new!! and I realized I already have this dress in pink!)
Shoes:  Shoedazzle
Earrings:  Aldo Accessories
Ring:  Charlotte Russe


Printed Top:  H&M (old)
Sweater Vest:  H&M (old)
Leggings:  Adren B
Boots:  Shoedazzle

SH*T, I forgot to take a pic on Thursday!!  Good thing it was kind of a boring outfit.


Skinnies and Necklace:  Charlotte Russe
Tanks: American Eagle and PacSun
Printed Wrap/Cardi thing: H&M (new)
Shoes:  Shoedazzle (new)
I love his pose...what is that exactly, little man??

I think I managed to wear something from H&M - either old or new - every day this week (even Thursday, which I didn't take a picture of, but just trust me).    Inadvertantly, that was the theme for this week, I guess.

Sunday is Nash's First Birthday!  We're have his  party that day, so there will be lots of pics posted in the next week or so.  I'm really excited about all the little projects I did working towards this party, so I can't wait to share it all with you!


  1. That H&M Skirt is fab! I love it!

  2. i like to live through your oufits as mine are always some comfy pants,a top and flats. yup - im living through you.

  3. Thanks, Courtney! I thought it was pretty awesome too! They even had it in this awesome (yet much less neutral) hot pink!


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