Rest Of Year Resolution.
Tonight while sitting in the dark with Nashie while he fell asleep - mouth open and legs twitching with what could have only been a sweet baby dream - I made a resolution. Who cares if it's not New Years anymore...
I will be positive. While pacing his room tonight I began to realize that I can often be a negative person. Funny, I always used to say I wasn't a pessimist, I was just a realist. But now I realize that might not be so true.
Forever Yours - 4.10.10 |
Thinking back to our wedding day, I can remember focusing so much on the things that didn't go as planned. Indeed I even had a bit of a meltdown the next day when I went to pick up my car from the hotel and it wouldn't start (turns out I hadn't even noticed that I was out of gas!). I was upset about all these little things and even said to Joe, "I am afraid I will only remember the bad things." Sure enough, whenever I tell someone the story of my wedding day, I think of the mini accident, being late, having to pack everything up ourselves that night, our cake was wrong, etc...etc... What's wrong with me?! Why wouldn't I think about what a beautiful day it was? Our families and friends were there, I was marrying my soul mate, and the weather was insanely perfect.
34 Weeks! |
When I look back on my pregnancy, I focused so much on the negative things yet again. I spent so much time saying this isn't what I expected. I never expected to be so tired, to not be able to sleep, to have so much leaking/swelling/bloating... Why didn't I focus more on how amazing it was that I was solely to thank for nurturing this sweet little baby in my belly? Or how about the fact that I only gained 31 pounds despite my less-than-stellar diet. Or that I lost almost ALL the weight within 10 days without one single stretch mark. Isn't that something to celebrate?
Moments old...our first of MANY photos we'll share. |
On to the actual labor...I was so bent out of shape about how it didn't go as I expected, that I didn't spend much time enjoying the process (can you do such a thing?!)... I even cried that night at 3 am while standing in our bedroom telling Joe, "This ISN'T how it's SUPPOSED to go!" Like I really knew how it was supposed to go. I didn't expect to leak sooo much, I didn't expect to feel so much pain during the pushing, and I didn't expect recovery to be so rough or take so long. But I've forgotten to think about how it only last 13 hours, which is quite good for a first timer. I made it to 5 cm before I needed the epidural and felt very satisfied that I had the opportunity to feel real labor before giving in. He came out perfectly healthy and barely made a peep those first days in the hospital. And he had the sweetest little face.
Who doesn't love this sweet face! |
Then on to the last four months. I actually had a moment the other day (when I was dealing with the 8th wake up of the night and was completely exhausted) where I said, "What have I done to deserve this? I have a baby who won't nurse, who won't sleep, who doesn't want to be put there a more difficult baby?!?" How could I?! I should be relishing every moment of him...there are so many times I thought about how happy I would be to have him, how happy I was that Joe and I were on the same page about having kids right away...and I'm wasting these precious moments being a negative nancy. I have a beautiful baby, a kind and loving husband, and I've had the opportunity to spend the last four months at home with both of them. People would kill for what I have...
So no more. Each night I spend awake with him is one more night I get to spend looking at his sweet little angel face...and I'm so grateful for that. So that's my resolution.