Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday Bits

So it's been a kind of crazy week...feeling a bit out of sorts these last few days, but I'm determined to get back on track.  It all started here...

 That's my silly self getting my hair done on Sunday.  I have gone to the same girl since I moved back from DC, so when I found out she was gone, I didn't know what to do.  Well, they said we have this guy Jeff available on Sunday.  I said, ok, sure I'll try it.  Big mistake.  It took the guy 3 hours and he hadn't even began to cut my hair (note:  it usually takes about 3 hours for color, cut, AND BLOWDRY).  I told him I just want to make it a little less maintenance by blending it with my natural color, but keeping some bold highlights around my face for when I have to play army and dress like a dude.  I told him we had done a pseudo-ombre style the last time, and he told me ombre would be more maintenance.  HUH?  First red flag.  Second red flag actually came first when he was late getting started with me because his previous client was unhappy.  Then he complained about her the whole time. 

Just so you know, this is what I looked like before.

Needless to say my hair turned out awful.  The color is super ashy (exactly what I said NOT to do), the cut is uneven because he only had a short amount of time left after the color, and I didn't even get a blowdry (had to go home to take care of Nash). AND it ended up costing me $170!  That's insane by itself, but when you add in how bad my hair looks, it's criminal.  And I don't want to go back to get it fixed because he obviously doesn't know what he's doing.  Here's an after shot so you can see...although it doesn't show how "dead" my ends look from the semi-permanent ash blonde he put over them.

In baby news, Nash has been spending time at his Grandparents house up in Viera while Daddy is at work.  He seems to be doing really sign of any separation anxiety or anything like that, thank god.  He has even been taking good naps, which we were really worried about.  And every night after work I drive up there and his mom makes us dinner (bless her heart), then we hang out until he's tired and needs to go home.  It's nice. 

Yesterday they made the mistake of telling me they think Nash officially crawled.  I was like, oh no, he did not.  He did NOT crawl WITHOUT ME!!  lol...  We have a rule...he doesn't reach any milestones when I'm not around.  Even our nanny knows this...  So, a retraction was issued and we went on with the business of eating dessert.

I have a bunch of pics to post from last weekend and such, but have been busy every night so haven't had a chance.  So until then, here's a little something to tide you over.

Nashie playing with his piggie while watching Yo Gabba Gabba next to Mama

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I just read the most gut-wrenching, heart-breaking, soul-shaking blog entry ever.  Like E.V.E.R.  The story is incredible, honest, painful, and beautiful.  Just don't read it while you're at work, like I did.

Photo from Enjoying the Small Things
Read it...I'm telling you, it's incredible.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Fashion Wrap Up

Feeling like all black today...even though I'm cheerful, I am tired!

Sheer blouse and black under tank are both Express.
Wait, black sailor pants are EXPRESS too!!  Goodness.  Shoes, that you can't see, are Charlotte Russe.

Today was Hurricane Lock-In Day at work, but I ended up being the only one to dress up.  Thank god I was sensible enough to wear something I could change out of!
  Hurricane Couture!
Ok, here's my normal outfit!
Sweater is Arden B.
Dress is Charlotte Russe.
Shoes are Shoe Dazzle.
Just a sunny little face shot for your enjoyment.

Keeping the short dress thing going a little longer since it's super hot out and I'm not meeting Joe and Muffin for lunch (so no playing/bending over/squatting involved).
Dress is delicious...oh, and from Guess.
Shoes are Jessica Simpson.
Accessories are from Express.

Going for cutely comfy today as I'm meeting my two loves at Moe's for lunch up in Viera. 
Top is from Charlotte Russe (and is my new favorite!!).
Crops are Express.
Shoes are Jessica Simpson.
Earrings are Charlotte Russe (ancient).
This is what happens to your pants when you eat Mexican next to a grabby 6-month old.  Queso stains...real nice, kid.

Bringing back the Hippy!!  All jokes aside, I love this outfit...even though the top kept shifting around all day.  Annoying.
Sheer, lace top is from Charlotte Russe.
White under tank is from Express.
Skinnies I bought at Kohl's a while back.
Shoes are Charlotte Russe.
 Dorky expression is courtesy of a long, rough week at work.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Letters to Nash

One of my favorite bloggers, Melissa over at Dear Baby, writes sweet little letters to her daughter Everly at various intervals throughout her growth to serve as a sort of baby book rememberance kind of thing.  I thought this was a great much more personal when directed at the baby.  So I thought I would steal borrow the idea and do the same for Nash.  I wrote one for his 5-month birthday, but never posted it, so will do that sometime soon.  Here's the one for his 6-month birthday:

My Dearest Nash,

My gosh, you are too much!  You're so incredibly full of energy, charm, and love I can hardly handle it.  Every day you wake up with a smile and play play play until your eyes droop and you go comatose!  You love to jump jump jump in the stationary jumper, the doorway jumper, Mama's/Daddy's arms...wherever and whenever you get a chance.  You are sitting up all on your own now, but you seem to prefer to be up with everyone else, so you only tolerate it if someone is sitting with you.  You've become adept at grabbing/swiping things.  Every day it seems something gets swiped or swooped out or pulled in that we weren't expecting!   Your coordination is awesome!

You are still tall and skinny and are wearing 12-month clothes right now!  Mama and Daddy get so worn out just lugging you around these days!  You have two cute little teeth, but we think you might have another one coming (based on the increase in drool these last few days).  Your eyes are still blue, but do have bits of light brown forming around the center, so we're still not quite sure what color they will eventually end up.

You love to eat!! You don't really care much for milk most of the time (although you drink it wholeheartedly sometimes too), but you LOVE real food.  Anything that Mama eats, you want...doesn't matter that you only have two little're willing to try.  There hasn't been anything we've given you that you don't like (well, except for that time when Daddy thought it would be good to give you rice cereal and plain potatoes...he quickly tasted it and realized it was like cardboard).  You L.O.V.E bananas, avocado, and watermelon...but also take quickly to peas, squash, and green beans.  You don't care much for juice though, no matter how much or how little water we add...we have to trick you to drink it (trying to make sure you are properly hydrated and, erm, regular).

You are so smart!!  You practice crawling all the time and have even managed to get yourself really high up the side of the crib (you use the bumpers).  You are so curious in everything going on around you and enjoy watching us do things.  You also really love to watch other kids...I feel like you are absorbing their skills through some sort of baby osmosis.  And you have a knack for photos!  Surprisingly, you look right in the lens whenever Mama shoves a camera in your face and are never shy to smile, scream, or throw me a dirty look if you're just not feeling it.

Your daddy and I are tired, but love every minute with you.  We've yet to leave you alone to spend time together because we both agree we'd miss you!  But we plan on a date night as soon as Grammy and Grampy get here because we know you'll be safe and happy with them.  Our perfect days involve time at home or getting outdoors and just watching you play and learn.  You're truly the light of our lives...and we're so lucky that you're our baby (Mama's still in disbelief).

P.S.  Doctor says you're perfect!

Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Change is in the Air

We're switching things up around here, so hang with me while we update!

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day Gift

It FINALLY came!!  I was so excited to see the box arrive at work today since Father's Day was, ahem, two whole days ago.  Wanna know what it was?

 Beautiful red box!

It's gorgeous!!

I even busted out a custom wrap job!  

(Oh, and Joe loved it, by the way.)

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Good Mother...Bad Mother

Throughout the last 6 months, I've mostly been preoccupied with doing the "right" thing.  For Nash's sleep, health, nutrition, physical development, emotional development...  Problem is, there is no real "right" thing to do.  And damn, does "right" put a lot of pressure on us mamas.

When he was first born, I made sure I cuddled him enough, made him feel safe, breastfed, read read read as much information as I could to make sure I was doing it right.  I let him sleep on me, next to me, wherever he wanted, as long as he got the recommended amount of sleep.  And I always comforted him when he cried.  I barely slept and our house was a wreck because I was tending to my precious little man.

As he's gotten older, I've tried to give him the right balance of alone time and time with me/daddy/Nanny.  "They" say that a child needs a certain amount of time to play by themselves in order to develop independence and confidence.  News flash:  He hates being alone.  I've tried to get him to sleep in his own bed without me next to me all the time, or having to rock him all the way to sleep.  But lately he's just reverted back to waking up every few hours just to have me come in there.  He's even perfected this amazingly horrific, but completely fake cry.  You'd think he lost a limb or something, but no...just needs a hug.  I'm trying to make sure he eats the right things, and have even begun looking very closely at what I eat since he has shown an incredible interest in whatever food I'm eating despite him having only two little teeth.  And despite my best efforts, he said Peace Out to breastfeeding months before I was ready (3 months of nursing, plus 1 strenuous month of exclusive pumping).

::sigh::  It's so much work...trying to do the "right" thing.

The other day at Wal-mart, I noticed a mother pushing her shopping cart with her car seat and baby up on top of the little seat area.  I cringed immediately.  A while back, before I had children, I was in front of a Wal-mart doing a radio remote and watched a car seat (and baby) fall out of that very position and slam upside down into the concrete.  The mother was horrified and scooped up her screaming baby before beelining back to her car (wal-mart managers in tow).  I will never forget that day.  I remember thinking, "What an idiot that mother must be!"  Why ever would you put your baby up there?!?!    These days I see more car seats in that position than any other.  I get that it takes up the whole friggin cart if you put your car seat in the big part and it's a pain to lug your heavy baby all through the store in the Bjorn or wrap or sling or whatever.  I've done every version of this.  Point of the whole story is that before I was a mother, I judged as if I knew the "right" thing.  Now that I am a mother, I am terrified of doing the wrong thing because sometimes it's not so obvious.  And people judge...oh yes, they do.

I am constantly judging my nanny, judging mu husband, judging myself....judging other mothers.  Saw a grandmother give a 2-, maybe 3-, year old little girl a sip of her diet coke.  I thought, my god!  The chemicals, the caffeine, are you crazy?!?  But who am I to judge, really?  It's life's biggest do we raise a happy, healthy baby so that s/he grows into a happy, healthy adult?  If you're anything like me, you just pray you don't do anything that will send them down the wrong path or screw them up royally.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day Gift

For Joe's first Father's Day, I wanted to get him two gifts.  One from me and one from Nash.  Since Nash's gift was on the pricey side (and hasn't arrived yet, I must note), I thought I would do something a little more sentimental from me.  I put together a little movie of his precious moments with our little muffin...add some sappy music...and BAM!  I got tears, people.  Here it is.


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Just a few little tidbits to start off the week.

Nash laughing when I scare him.

New jammies that make him look more like a little boy and less like my little baby.  ::tear::

Eating dinner in our puppy robe that Mindy got us.

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Our First Father's Day

Today was the best day...for all parties involved.  I asked Joe yesterday what he wanted to do for his very first father's day, and he said, "Get Stuff Done."  Well, alright then.

We started the day off lying in bed with muffin (who decided he wanted to get up at 6:30 am...darn you).  Then we played for a while before Nashie had to take his first nap.  Once he was down, Joe and I started back in on the front room.  For those who don't know, we are trying to sell our house and move to a nicer neighborhood, so we've got a few minor things to do to the house to get it ready to show.  We had to repaint our front room since it was this really dark shade of now it's this really boring shade of beige.  Blech.  While Joe painted, I packed some of our extra stuff up in boxes so that everything looks very clean and presentable.

When Nashie woke up, we set up a new play area for him in the newly put-together front room.  I had previously purchased one of those round baby gates for when he starts crawling, so we put it to use finally.  We took some of the foam tiles from his room, set up the fence, and then filled it with friends (aka toys).  He had a ball for quite some time, although he did ask (aka cry and whine) for me to come in and sit with him.  After playing for a bit, it was time to do a little hanging out, and then down for nap #2. 

Joe and I proceeded to nap too.  Ahhhh, bliss.

When he we woke up, we headed outside for some yard time.  We set up the baby pool, put on some baggies, and got wet.  Once he was bored with the pool (about 5 minutes), we just rolled around on a blanket.  Nash kept trying to get to the edge of the blanket so he could pull up blades of grass and try to shove them in his mouth before Mama noticed. 

Then everyone ate dinner, took a quickie baby bath, had some milk, Dr. Suess, and lullabies...then passed out.  Joe and I relaxed a bit, did some cleaning (FINALLY vacuumed our bedroom), and then hit the sack. 

Overall, a great Sunday.

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New Play Area

He's in heaven!!

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Fashion Wrap Up

Went in a bit late this morning because we had Nash's 6-month well visit (he's perfect!).
Dress is new! From H&M.
Shoes are from Shoedazzle.
Earrings are my fave!!! From Charlotte Russe.

Went for a bit more casual today since I had to hang some picture frames and shelves in my new office.
Black linen pants, nude under tank, and flats are from Charlotte Russe.
Lime shirt is from Zara.
Earrings are from Aldo Accessories. Love the color splash!

Feeling girly this morning, but it's FREEZING in the office!! Ugh. 90 deg outside, meat locker inside.

Pink dress from H&M.
Cardi from J. Crew.

Shoes are Jessica Simpson.

Earrings are Charlotte Russe.

Since I'm meeting Joe, Nash, and our friend Tiffany and her sweet baby Kyla for lunch at the mall play place, I wanted to be comfy (or as comfy as you can be in office clothes).

Black pants are Charlotte Russe.
B/W sweater is from 2b bebe (Bebe's outlet store).
Black eyelet tank is from H&M.

Closeup of trim on tank...details never show up on these damn iPhone pics.

Shoes are from Bakers.

Earrings and silver cuff are Express.

Casual, but warm...that is the mantra. 

Dress is from Express.
Jacket is Forever 21.

Flats are Steve Madden.

Earrings are probably Charlotte Russe, but I lose track.

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