Friday, September 30, 2011

Week in iPhone Pics #10

This week has been kind of a downer, as I'm sure you know if you read my last post.  So it was tough to remember to take pics...or rather I just didn't feel like there was too much worth photographing other than Bubs, so he fills up most days.  I know you are disappointed.  In case you want to join in on the fun, check out Amy's up, even if you only take one pic.

The highlight of Monday was the Mall, as usual.  This time grammy and grampy (the in-laws) joined us so it was super special.   There weren't too many kiddos, so Nash had the run of the place.  He digs anything that he can grab on, which includes those abacus-looking toys.  I made him pause for a Mama-Nashie pic before he walked crawled off to the spaceship.  Captain Nash, we're ready for takeoff!

Tuesday began with a hellish sales meeting which ended with me using today's hot shot technology (aka my iPhone) to immortalize a moment in time (aka take a pic of the notes so I wouldn't have to copy them down).  Can you guys understand any of that gibberish??  Yeah, me neither.

At lunch I ran to Target to pick up a few essentials (aka new sunnies to replace my dead, but not forgotten D&Gs).  I've been on this health kick this week (aka no sweets whatsoever), so my afternoon snack featured PB2, which is this awesome peanut butter replacement my friend Kyra from introduced me to.  They take peanut butter and squeeze all the oil out until all that's left is powder.  Then you reconstitute it with plain water and BAM!  You have low fat/low cal peanut butter...and it's damn yummy, folks.  Try it.  And check her out..she has awesome recipes.

Wednesday I went to Orlando to cover a Bronze Star award presentation, but my regular boss wondered if me - the girl with waaaay too many clothes - could possibly be in the Army.  So I took a pic to prove it him!  Take that Pete!  I hit up Chipotle for lunch (duh), then headed home to squeeze my Bubs.  Before dinner, I sorted through all of my Army stuff for an inspection this weekend, so our house looked like a camo bomb went off.

We got all dressed up for dinner and headed to our favorite sushi place to have one last dinner with the Jersey DiPinto's before they head back up north.  For all inquiring minds, I ate a thai salad (think peanut dressing), edamame, and a special roll of tuna and avocado rolled up in thin cucumber slices (no rice).  Yum.

Our bath that night was monumental.  It was the first night we let him take a bath without his seat.  And although it was a challenge because he wanted to stand up the whole time (and is still a bit wobbly, especially in a tub of water), he had so much fun.  Especially where the bubble blower was concerned.

I was in a baaaaaad mood on Thursday, but moments with the little man kept me going.  At lunch, he decided to show off his independent side by kicking back and putting his feet up in the high chair while we ate lunch at the mall.  After work, we spent some time playing, lying on the floor, and posing for pics in between putting Bo-Bo (his favorite stuffie) inside the new toy box and taking him back out.  Thanks for the pick me up, love.

Friday I decided to embrace my inner hippy (I am from Colorado, after all) and rocked a sweet little headband.  Well that headband got me called "Jenny" (from Forrest Gump) and a few other choices names all day.  One girl even tossed out a, "Uh, the 60's called, they want their headband back."  Meh, they're just not risk takers.

I made Bubs dinner that night (mini pizza and green beans), but he decided he would rather eat his weight in mandarin oranges.  This HAS to be my kid.  We made funny faces and even had an emotional breakthrough.  Nash was playing by the entertainment stand when I stuck out my hand to help him walk.  He ignored my assistance and took four steps towards me!!  And THEN he changed directions and took FOUR MORE STEPS!  I totally shed some tears and swore I wasn't ready for my baby to walk yet.

That was our week...with October coming up the weeks are sure to get super exciting, so keep tuning in...and if you like us, well then follow us.  It's easy, it means a lot, and we won't send you spam or any of that uncool stuff.

Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

Friday's Fashion Wrap Up vol. 3

This week has been hellish, to say the least.  I've contemplated bashing my head into the desk on more than one occasion and I'm not sure I'm over that impulse just yet.

::sigh::  When did it stop being fun and start being a pain in the arse?  Anyone, anyone...Bueller??

Here goes!

Pants: Express
Shirt: Arden B
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson
Hair Clip:  Charlotte Russe


Dress:  Asos (although you can't really see it)
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson circa 2008
Love: Mama and Nash


Pants and top:  Charlotte Russe
Earrings:  Express
I switched to flip flops at lunch to play with baby man.


Jeans and Shirt:  Express
Headband:  Aldo Accessories

I know what you're thinking...Wait, where did Wednesday day go?  Well, I had to pull Army duty for the presentation of a Bronze Star for Valor (super cool), so it was Army duds that day.  Even so, thought I would share a pic.

Sorry it's so phone pic.  I'm so tough, aren't I?  Hahaha, who am I kidding...

Well that's it folks.  Let me know what you think...  Am I boring you yet?  :-)
Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week in iPhone Pics #9

I admit I wasn't that great at taking pics this week.  It's been really hectic with one of our big sellers out all week and another one out for half the week...and Bubs got sick...  So I was often too busy to remember to pull out my phone.  But I knew Amy over at a good life would be taking her pics, so I dug for my phone and clicked away...

Monday was work day for me (::insert bawling tears here::), so I had to leave Bubs with my mom and Joe.  They seemed to have a grand ole time, as witnessed by his robot-shirted giggles with Miss Hippo.  I was stuck in the office ALL DAY thanks to a lunch-time meeting, so tried to make sure I drank lots of lots of water so I would have the energy to make it! 

Once 5:30 rolled around, I ran home to find Nash practicing his golf skills...something tells me there is a pic like this of Tiger Woods somewhere...  And lo and behold, I came home to not only a clean house (thank you, husband), but dinner was made (thank you, mama)!!  I couldn't have been happier...

 Tuesday was a Target day for me (yayy), but something not so yayy happened while I perusing the shoe aisle (I need more shoes like a fat kid needs a twinkie).  I stumbled a bit while trying on these cute little black wedges and crunch.  Yes, it's true...I broke my D&G sunnies.  Had them for several years now and they set me back a pretty penny, so I'm still in mourning.  So I spent another pretty penny on Halloween stuff at Target and Joann's to decorate my office for the upcoming festivus halloweenus (never mind that it's only September).

That night, Bubs seemed a bit out of it, so I spent some time cuddling with him and we played in the bath for an extra little bit before calling it a night.

Wednesday morning started out on the wrong foot when Joe told me Nash threw up all over his crib in the middle of the night and didn't even cry to let me know something was wrong (so he slept in it all night...see venting post here).  I felt terrible for him, so was down in the dumps all day.  Only thing that perked me up was getting to do fun projects at work for the BBQ Fest this weekend.  I love giant paper cutters!

I didn't take any pics of Nash because he was all sick and just wanted to be held, so I obliged.  I did, however, thrust the camera in Joe's face and make him take a couch pic with me.  Us in all our glamorous glory, people!

Thursday Nash was feeling better, and he even managed to share a few smiles with me first thing in the morning.  I headed off to work with a renewed fervor, knowing he wasn't gonna barf his brains out while I was slaving away at my desk.  At lunch, we met at the mall, and ran into someone who used to work for Joe (such a small town, I tell ya) at the mall play place.  Bubs loved every minute of it and copped a bit of a 'tude when I made him stop for a family portait...and we won't even talk about when I told him we had to leave cause Mama had to go back to work (all jokes aside, he's such a good kid).

Friday was an pretty insane 24 hours.  Work was weird because everyone was out at the BBQ Fest, so I was just kinda hanging out by myself.  I did have to run out to get my car serviced, so I got to drive around the sweet Lexus RX...and it was white even!  In the afternoon, I found a cool circuit workout I wanna try next week!

That night, Joe had to work so my mom stayed with Nash while I hit the town with some ladies.  My friend Tiffany and I glammed it up and hit the streets of downtown.  A few other ladies met us out and we got our drinky drink on.   Later that night, we felt the crazy come out and we couldn't believe how many people were out.  The band Modern English was playing, and we lucked out and got to watch from an office above the Flatiron.  Thanks internet dudes!  I went home kinda early though because I had to be up bright and early to man the tent at BBQ Fest.

And that's it...a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and all kinds of fun.

Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday's Fashion Wrap Up - Vol. 2

This week I really got into the pics...I tried to be ready early every day so that I could make sure I had time to grab the camera before running out to work.  And mad props go out to the hubs who seems to have gotten into taking the pics for me!  He even suggests better positions ("the sun's coming from this direction, so let's go over there) and tries to avoid distracting elements ("watch out for the trash cans,  honey").  Gotta love him, I tell ya.

So without further ado...

Crops: Charlotte Russe
Shirt:  H&M
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson
Necklace:  Charlotte Russe

Nash's Jammies:  Children's Place

Skirt:  Target
Shirt:  Zara
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson
Necklace and Bracelet:  Aldo Accessories
Dress:  Rodarte for Target
Scarf:  Express
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson
Leggings:  they're actually maternity ones (BeBelly??)  from Target (hahahaha)
Tunic:  Express
Shoes:  Shoedazzle

Skinnies:  Charlotte Russe
Tank:  Target
Blazer:  Charlotte Russe
Shoes:  Shoedazzle

Nash's Jammies:  Carter's
So, there you go!  I just got some sweet new dresses from Asos, so next week's lineup is looking good already!!

If you're a fashion whore like me, put your two clicks in.
Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bad Mommy

My poor little man has been sick.  It started simply enough with him having some super smelly, frequent diapers.  We thought, hmmm, that's different.  Then there were the last 3 days of Cranky McCrankerson.  Couldn't figure out why he was so clingy and whiny...he would literally burst into tears for no reason.  And this kid is super happy...almost NEVER cries.  And he hasn't been wanting to drink his milk or eat (and this kid LOVES to eat).  So, we're perplexed.

On Tuesday night, I put him to bed like normal, although he was a bit fussy.  Around 2 am or something, I hear him stirring a bit.  I don't run in there because I ran in there the other night and shoved a bottle into his mouth before realizing that he wasn't even really that awake...  I was so tired, I just ran in and didn't wait to see if he would fall back asleep.  So not wanting to do that again, I lied in bed and waited.  And he fell back asleep.

Wednesday morning, I get up, take a shower, and can't wait to smooch my Bubs.  Joe goes into his room with a bottle, like normal...then comes into the bathroom.  He says, "Hey Honey, look at this stuff all over his jammies."  I get close...and sniff.  BAM!  Big mistake.   A wave of vomit-smell invades my nose and my overly sensitive gag reflex kicks in and I nearly barf all over the two of them.  I am so bothered by all this, I rip the puke-crusted jammies off the Bubs and go into his room.  And there it is.  Puke...everywhere.  He apparently threw up in the middle of the night and proceeded to lie in it for the rest of the night.  It was in his hair, on his face, and all over the sheets and blankets. 

I felt like such a horrible mother.  To this very instance, I cannot forgive myself for not going in there Tuesday night.  I let my baby sleep in his own throw up for who knows how many hours.  I feel absolutely, positively terrible...

Thankfully, he's feeling better now...but I'm still upset.  Hate that he sleeps so far away, but I know it's part of growing up...I know he can't sleep in my bed forever, but I can't help but think that if he had been, this wouldn't have happened.

Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Newest Shopping Venture

I've been on the hunt for some cute new work clothes that won't cost me a pretty penny, but am kind of bored with all the shops I normally frequent. Since I read waaaaay too many blogs, I figured someone might have inside info on where to shop...and lo and behold! One did!

Melissa over at Dear Baby (love her blog) does a little Ladies Room Fashion show piece that I adore...she started them back when she was pregnant and decided to keep it rolling even after her latest little one, Arlo, was born. Anyhoos, I kept noticing that a lot of her pieces that I liked were from Asos, so I thought I would check it out. Holy mother of online shopping!! I spent way too much time perusing their seemingly endless options and ended up ordering these three little beauties:

This last one I actually got in a pretty slate blue, but the pic was no longer available, so you get to see it in white instead.  The prices are awesome, but they are listed in pounds, so you've got to do some converting (I just googled pounds to dollars and got a nifty converter that I entered the prices into).  I think I got all three of mine for $94!  Not bad considering the average H&M dress is $39.99 and the average Express dress is $69.99 (my two office wardrobe go-to's).

Just spreading the shopping love a bit for anyone out there looking for new clothes!
Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

Monday, September 19, 2011

First Trip to Disney

On Sunday, we spent the morning just hanging out...something that doesn't happen too often these days.  Nash decided to skip the clothes and sport just a diaper, but hey, he's darn cute doing it.

Just kinda lying there...

Nash takes DVDs out just so Daddy can put them away.  Again.

Looking for neighbors to wave to.

In the afternoon, the whole family (me, Joe, Nash, my mom, Joe's parents) all headed over to Downtown Disney to meet Phyllis's cousins David and Marilyn. It was Nash's first trip over to see the Mouse, and even though we didn't go to Magic Kingdom or anything like that (cause lets be real, he's too young to give a crap), we knew he could feel the magic. Never mind that he didn't take a nap the entire time we were there, so the magic be felt must have just been exhaustion.

Mostly we shopped, but we did hit up a few good eating places too.
Holy Legos!

Post T-Rex dinner AND Ghiradelli's Ice Cream...but still no nap.
We can't wait until the little man is old enough to really enjoy Disney...we are so close after all.  We've even talked about getting an annual pass (waaaay cheaper that way), and just making it like once a month kind of thing.  We used to go all the time B.N. (Before Nash), but we can't really enjoy a night of cocktails and late-night monorail rides with a 9-month old.  Times they are a-changin'.
Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week in iPhone Pics #8

I took a lot of pics this week, but the majority of them are so blurry and craptastic. It's tough trying to catch my little man long enough to take a pic...he n.e.v.e.r. stops. Like ever. So I chose the best ones of the bunch and think it represents our week pretty darn well. Linkin' up with Amy over at a good life...her blog is one of my faves, so give her some love too.  And here we go:

I started the week off right with an early morning run and a protein shake (protein powder, strawberries, bananas, spinach, flaxseed, and kiwi).  After hitting the work hard in the am, I met my favorite crew at the mall for some food and friend-making.  Nashman took 2.2 seconds to head on over to the big kids and say, "hey, wanna hang out?"  After lunch, I headed back to work (boo!) to finish working on some super cool projects for our upcoming rating period (it's like sweeps week, but for radio).
I was so excited to spend some time with Nash since I didn't get a weekend, so we snuggled, got a clean and yummy in our bath, and then hit the sheets.  Daddy and Tabby (kitty #1) snuggled in bed too...  She usually takes my side of the bed as soon as I get can see her waiting for me to leave...

Tuesday featured some incredible retail therapy at my favorite little may have heard of it.  I snagged some sweet of which was featured in my FFWU yesterday.  But the website crashed!  So I couldn't browse for more Missoni stuff!  While I was out spending the moolah, Daddy took Nash out to play in the yard and he was one happy baby.  

When I got home, we gathered up the crew and ran over to Roadhouse for dinner (we are still spending the gift certificates Joe got for trade).  Nash did great...ate tons of food (and was serious about his snacks) and even made some friends.  Afterwards, we hit up our local fave Del's Freeze  Best. Soft serve. Ever.  Period.  Bubs tried some of Mimi's chocolate cone and (needless to say) he loved it.

I forgot my wallet at home on Wednesday, so I had to head all the way home for lunch.  It ended up being awesome because I got to spend some time with Nash, who is working on walking with his, er, walker.  He's getting so darn close to this walking thing, we're literally holding our breaths each time he stands up and lets go.  The rest of my day was consumed with decorating my office (again), graciously accepting compliments on my brand spanking new Missoni for Target dress (love love love), and waiting for when I could go home and scrub-a-dub-dub my little man.  After some high-level toy analysis, we sat down for a good book and some milk.  

Nash slept great Thursday, so we ran in to get him around 7 am and we laid in bed drinking some milk before Mama had to get in the shower.  Nash has been wanting to feed himself lately (even though he's seriously lacking in self-feeding skills), so I let him man- baby-handle his own toast.  He managed to not shove too much in his mouth at one time.  

My day was uber hectic and I forgot my cell phone at home, so I didn't get a chance to take any pics during the day.  I did, however, manage to capture the awesome little bubble family that set up shop on top of Nash's head while we were in the bath.  Those things don't pop!  Since Joe works on Thursday night, I crawled into bed with a good read and relaxed until my eyes fell shut.

Friday was one of my co-worker's birthdays, so I brought in some homemade margarita cheesecakes for everyone (did I forget to mention all the time I spent slaving away making these yesterday?  Yeah?  Oh damn, must have been blocking it out).  I also hit up Joann's at lunch to snag some supplies for an upcoming super secret awesomeness project that may or may not include peeps and spiderwebs.  

I spent my night hanging with the little man (daddy had to work early tonight), so we played, ate dinner and cheesecake, and took selfies (Nash loves to take pics of his, er, hand).  He had some trouble falling asleep (didn't get a good afternoon nap), so I spent about an hour in his nursery just letting him try to fall asleep on my chest (he was super fidgety).  Poor little man...we so need a bed in his room.

Well that's our week!  Lots of excitingly ordinary things, I think...hope you don't think it's dull or whatever.  K, thanks.
Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday's Fashion Wrap Up - Bringing it Back to Vol. 1

Back in the day (a few months ago), I used to do these Friday Fashion wrap up posts that were really nothing more than me trying to remember what I wore each day so I could limit proximate repeats.  As it turns out, they were some of my more popular posts!  Who knew someone else cared what kind of pants I threw on that morning?!?

Either way, I always thought it was kind of fun and I do miss posing for the ole cam every day.  So I'm throwing it back out it or not!

Maxi Dress:  Sears
Denim Jacket:  Arden B
Belt: Charlotte Russe
Flats:  Target
Dress:  Target (I think)
Blazer:  H&M
Shoes:  Bakers
Dress:  Missoni for Target
Shoes:  Shoedazzle

Pants:  Express
T-shirt:  Express
Scarf:  ?  (no tag)

Nash:  Carters Jammies
Jeans:  Express
Tank:  Express
Shirt/thing:  Charlotte Russe
Shoes:  Charlotte Russe
Headband: H&M

Nash:  Carters Jammies and a smile!
So there you week in a fashionable blur.  Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.  Oh, and a special shout out to the hubs for being gracious enough to take photos every morning before work (I know he thinks it's nerdy, but he loves me anyways).
Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com
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