Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday's Fashion Wrap Up - vol 6

Man, it feels like a billion years since I got to put up a fashion post.  I'm going through withdrawals, people!  So excited it's Friday because (1) I get to post about fashion, (2) it's the end of the work week and (3) there's less than two days until I officially become a Princess!  That's a lot to look forward too!

Without any further ado, here is the somewhat random week in fashion.


Skinnies: Old Navy
Tank:  Crap, I can't remember!
Cardi: Target
Flats: Charlotte Russe


Dress:  Old Navy
Belt:  Charlotte Russe
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson


Dress: Target
Scarf:  NY&Co
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson
Spectacles:  Claire's
I'm in nerdy chic mode here!


Shorts:  Old Navy
Tank/Tee:  DIY station tee by me!
Belt:  Charlotte Russe
Sneaks: Nike
I'm in event mode here!

So, that's it!  Nothing too special, although I did opt to rock the four eyes just for the fun of it.  Nothing like experimenting with new looks for the office!  Til next time!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wordless{ish} Wednesday

This week my focus is all on the big day.  The big race.  My biggest accomplishment.  The Princess Half Marathon is on Sunday...  Outfit is purchased.  Hotel plans have been made.  One long{ish} run is behind me.  Now just counting the minutes.

Noshing on some blueberries during my army training
I'm staying focused by eating right...which is no easy task these days.  I've literally been nursing my bad eating habits since I was four months pregnant, and I'm finally feeling in control again.  I'm tracking everything I eat on myfitnesspal and logging my workouts on runkeeper. 

This is the handiest food app I've seen in a long time...You can literally just scan
 each food item and BAM!  It enters it...easy peasy
I'm hardly even tempted to cheat...and that feels good.  I know deep down this is something I want, and I'm only hurting myself if I don't stick to the program. 
The Army's version of a "snack"

The perils of radio

So, here's hoping I:
(1) Finish the run on Sunday without any major issues (i.e. death or dismemberment)
(2) Stick with the program
(3) Get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 130

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Weighty Issues

This is a frustrated post...just an FYI.

So, it's now been 14 months since I had my son.  Never a day in my life did I think I would be this far postpartum and still needing to get my body back on track.  I've been so overwhelmed, so stressed out, and just downright depressed that I haven't been working out consistently and I've been eating like crap.  Who knew it would be this hard...

So, when I found out I was coming here for two weeks I decided this would be my reset button.  I knew I would be all alone, without the pressures of work, family life, or needing to feed others with the foods they love, and I could just be me.  Week one was a totally failure.  I don't think I even tried to eat healthy, although I did work out a bit.  After heading home for the weekend, I realized I was wasting my opportunity and needed to get back on track.  So this week I have been doing really well.  I've been tracking all my food, working out, drinking water, taking vitamins.  Doing everything I know to get back to where I want to be.

And then I hit a roadblock.  You see, I've been tracking my calories on the Spark People app, which lets me input my goals, my food, and my workouts.  It told me my BMR was 1725, and in order to lose 12 pounds in 12 weeks, I would need to cut 3,500 calories a week - either by diet or exercise.  So I've been tracking so far...never exceeding my calories and working out.  Then I decide to google BMR and I find out that pretty much all the other BMR websites out there say mine is only 1435.  Shit.  So, in order to just MAINTAIN my weight, I have to only eat 1435 calories (I've been averaging 1600, minus 190 in exercise).  So, I'm barely maintaining right now.  I'm just not sure how I can get under by 500 calories a day with that low of a BMR.  And not feel like hell, that is.

In addition, I've really been leaning away from animals products these days.  I gave up dairy for the whole month of January and have been planning to go full-on vegan for Lent, but I'm at a crossroads.  The only way I know to be lean and fit is to eat chicken and veggies.  Fish and good carbs.  Cottage cheese and egg whites.  Nothing vegan about that.  So, do I give up my hope of being vegan (which makes me feel better - but that may just be compared to when I was eating crap, I don't know) or do I risk adopting a new eating plan that may or may not leave me skinny and/or sick?  I know it's possible to be a fit vegan, I'm just not sure if it works for me.  But I want it.  But I want to be lean too.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Start. Over.

It's been a while since I really put myself out there on this blog...allowing my emotions to spill out.  Probably since March of last year when I flew to DC for a week during a REALLY rough time in my life.  I think that trip, and those blog entries, may have saved me.  You see, I used to have a LiveJournal (back before Blogger and Wordpress when only emo teens had "blogs").  It was my venting private little portal through which my feelings came out in a safe, but extremely cathartic way.  It's been a long time since I've truly "journaled."  I feel like those thoughts are private, and perhaps better left in my head lest the wrong person stumble on them and think things, or worse yet, take them personally.  But the end result is a bottled up life.  Corked under pressure...and sometimes it has to come out.  Like today.

Today I start a two week vacation.  Not a real vacation, but a vacation from life as I know it.  I'm 3 hours from work, from laundry, from financial concerns, from all responsibility.  I'm a million miles away from the stress that has been mounting and a dozen steps closer to the girl that once was.  It will be a welcome two weeks.  Fourteen straight days of me, me, me.  Sounds bad, but I'm learning you absolutely need that every once in a while.  I can work out whenever I want, eat whatever I want, paint my nails, blog, read blogs til all hours of the night, sew if I want to, nap if I want, watch youtube videos if I want to.  Sure I have to go to training during the day, but that seems minute compared to my average workday.  I have no meetings, no color print jobs stacking up, no impromptu please-allow-me-to-throw-a-monkey-wrench-into-your-perfectly-prioritized-day requests. 

Work sucks right now.  It's so stressful, it's alienating.  It's a struggle every day...and it really doesn't have to be.  Family life is not much better.  With all the stress that's flowing between the four of us in the house, I'm surprised we haven't imploded already.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family.  Like, LOVE them.  But I've been under so much stress lately, and with a baby, a husband, and a mother to take care of, there is never any time to take care of me.  And it's been wearing me down...little by little.  I'm moody, I'm bitchy, I'm depressed.  And I fail to see one ounce of the girl I used to be.  A girl I actually liked.  These two weeks are a chance to reconnect and return to my family refreshed...with a renewed sense of myself and a desire to make the most of every day I have with them.

Joe and I keep saying this year has to be better.  We've had such a rough go of it this last year, that Karma owes us big time.   Let's hope so.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday's Fashion Wrap Up - vol 5

This will be the last FFWU for at least two weeks, as I prepare to head out for Army duty.  Although I would love to continue to take pics of my evening outfits (daytime will be all camo), but since I don't know anyone at the course, it would be weird to ask a perfect stranger to take my photo every day.  So you'll have to do without...

Last weekend the Hubs and I hit up Old Navy and I picked up a bunch of new things!  I love that place because when I can find something I like, it's usually super cute and they're totally affordable.  Sometimes, though, I just can't find anything I like...usually because I'm just not feeling whatever trend they're rolling with.
So, here goes:

Dress:  Old Navy
Shoes:  Shoedazzle
Earrings:  Charlotte Russe
Flower Sash/Belt:  J. Crew
Hair Inspiration:  Pinterest!

Pants: Express
Tank: Old Navy
Cardi:  Target
Wedges:  Charlotte Russe
Flower Pins: J. Crew, Charlotte Russe, and H&;M
Bangle:  J.Crew

Dress:  Old Navy
Shoes:  Shoedazzle
Earrings:  Charlotte Russe

Pants: Kardashian for Sears
Shirt:  Old Navy
Necklace and Earrings:  Charlotte Russe

Skirt:  Forever 21
Tank:  Old Navy
Cardi:  H&M
Necklace and Bracelet: Charlotte Russe
Flats:  Shoedazzle
And that's the show! Hope you liked this week's picks. As always, let me know what you think or if you have any ideas! Especially hair ideas...I'm totally scouting Pinterest for more hair ideas for when I get back!
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