Wednesday, June 27, 2012

18 Months Old

 I’m so late with this post, but I can’t NOT do a post.  I mean, the kid is 18-Months Old!!  Holy cow, how did this happen?!  I blinked and my sweet little baby turned into a rambunctious, hilarious, patience-testing and sloppy kisses giving little man.   Truth is, it’s been the craziest six weeks ever, and I’m actually surprised we’re all still here…somewhat sane and in one piece.  But I’ll save those details for another post.

Here is the rundown on this month’s facts:

Height: 33.25 inches
Weight: 26.2 lbs
Teeth: Same…all are in except 2nd molars
Hair: Still blonde
Eyes: Still blue with hazel centers (what do I put in those little questionnaires when they ask about his eye color?!?!)

So, as you can see he hasn’t grown too much this last month.  If anything he’s grown a bit taller, but has barely put on any weight.  I attribute that to his newly found finicky-ness (is that a word?)…he wavers back and forth between devouring everything in sight like a starved animal and shunning even his beloved blackberries and toast.  He’s decided just recently that he isn’t the slightest bit interested in milk…and demands juice every. Damn. Day.   So we tried giving him nothing but water for a whole day…meh, sort of worked.  Still hates cheese and insists on making a face every time some new morsel of food hits his tongue…before he’s even tasted it, mind you.  It’s all at once hilarious and infuriating.  

The big news this month is how much he’s talking – FINALLY!  I was so worried about him not really saying anything and I knew his 18-month appointment was coming up and I didn’t want to tell the doctor he still wasn’t talking.  But thankfully, he’s  spewing words left and right.  Here’s a collection of his choice phrases:

·      Yeah Yeah - Yes
·      Shoo – Shoe(s)
·      Ju - Juice
·      Ca – Cracker/Cookie
·      Mama
·      Dada/Daddy
·      Choo Choo - Train
·      Ball
·      Poo – Poop or Pool
·      Again
·      I di… - I did it
·      Uh oh
·      Coof – Tooth/Teeth

 He’s still such a little athlete…loves balls, running and climbing.  Anything physical, really.  He’s started driving his trucks/cars/trains all over things around the house, like window ledges, backs of chairs and counters.  He’s been doing this little shuffle shuffle thing with his feet for a while now…mostly when he’s in a good mood.  Still dances to music whenever it comes on.  He’s able to climb the stairs at the playground now…knows to hold on to the railing and go slow.  Last weekend he tried to climb with fistfuls of sand though and that didn’t go well.  He has conquered the big slides and LOVES swimming…any kind of swimming.  Might help that his favorite movie right now is Finding Nemo.

He’s really big into taking your hand and leading you places.  Most times it’s like he doesn’t even have anywhere he wants to go…he’s just enjoying his newfound ability to make us do things.  He’s constantly running to the fridge for juice, then not giving a crap about it once we actually pour him a glass.  He just wants to make us do things!  I must admit though, it’s really nice that he can finally communicate to us.  It was quite frustrating for a while there, but now we almost always know what he wants.

He is now wearing almost exclusively 2T clothes, although some brands he still wear 18-24 months.  Pretty much all his tees I’ve been buying in 2T, but some of his bottoms are still too big in the waist.  He’s wearing a combination of size 6 and 7 shoes…depending on whether or not we think he needs to wear socks.  He LOVES shoes…and hats.  Anytime he sees either of them, he goes over, puts them on and wants you to say, “OMG you look so cuuuuuute.”  He’s definitely a bit of a ham these days. 

I could probably go on and on listing all of the new/interesting/exciting/funny/frustrating things he’s done since our last update, but I’ll save some of those for a later post.

Till next month, little man!

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