Holy crap, my baby is getting big! I know, I know, I say that every month, but this time it's serious. He's totally turning into a little man right in front of my eyes and I can't make it stop! ::insert dramatic music::
There's so much to update about, I fear this may be a long post! I'll try my best to be succinct.
Height: 33.75 inches
Weight: 27.6 lbs
Clothes: 2T
Shoes: 7 toddler
His vocabulary is positively blowing up this month. He's repeating things we say, pointing things out in the stories we read (trees, puppy, train, daddy, wagon) and can tell us just about anything he wants/needs. We can tell he's just tickled to be able to talk with us and we're noticing a decrease in his frustration due to lack of communication. His favorite words are still juice, shoes and ball though...hehe... He's doing really well at daycare and seems to really enjoy when he goes full days. But he's been sick a lot, so it's been kind of frustrating for us.

His little personality is just off the charts this month. He's giggling at things he sees, plays games with us, wrestles with us on the daily and definitely has opinions about things. The funniest thing he's doing this month is making it known that he has to pick out his own shoes. It doesn't matter what pair we pick out, he has to go back into his room at least once and switch them out. He comes out of his room multiple times a day with different shoes, hats, sunglasses, etc... My budding fashionisto! Haha... He's also bringing "friends" with him whenever we go on "trips" and wants to walk down the steps himself. He's learning to undress himself and we've found him a few times without his diaper on (uh oh).
On a related note, he's starting to show signs of toilet training readiness, but only the beginning stages. He's totally in tuned to when he needs to go (although he's usually going by the time he tells us), seems to be bothered by his diaper and having "poo" in it, and has shown a fascination with the potty. He still can't undress himself and I doubt he can really control anything, so we're not moving forward just yet. We're merely having the potty vs. diaper conversations and reinforcing him telling us whenever he has to go. Baby steps, big man...

He's recently gotten the hang of The Itsy Bitsy Spider and the steps to Barnyard Dance and tries to copy the dances he sees on NickJr. He copies Joe and I all the time - both the things we do and the things we say - and it's just too darn cute. He's loving giving kisses now and we're trying to teach him, "I love you." I asked him, "Where's Nash?" the other day and he pointed at himself and made a shy smile. He's totally a ham for the camera and just about any crowd. He'll start to jump around, fall on the floor, and look around to see if anyone saw him. Speaking of jumping...we officially have "air," people. He jumps from step to step or on the couch or just on the floor and gets at least an inch or two off the ground. And boy, is he proud of himself.

On the not so cute side of things, he's still in this terrible screaming phase. Pretty much anytime he hears the word "no" he screams. Like, bloody murder scream. Try to redirect? Scream. Nap time? Scream. No more crackers? Scream. Yeah, it's bad. And nothing works. We've tried ignoring him (tough to do when he's screaming at the top of his lungs inside a car and you're trying to drive and cover your ears all at the same time). We've tried time outs (fail) or just trying to distract him. Yelling doesn't work at all either. So, we're just praying this is a short-lived phase.
Also, he's become very picky about what he eats. Most of the time, he just wants crackers and juice. He'll eat toast and fruit and eggs, but just when you think he likes something, he turns his nose up at it. Lots of food has been wasted in this house the last few months.
He also thinks it's hi-larious to spit, snort and sneeze - which is particularly troublesome when he has a mouthful of food. He's taken to throwing water around during bath time, which means a lot of clean up and tons of screaming.
Overall, he's just the sweetest, craziest little boy ever, and I can't believe how big he's getting. I love him more and more each day, and I can see his love for me and Daddy and it's just amazing. Part of me thinks we shouldn't have any more kids because he's just perfect and I wouldn't want to take an ounce of my attention away from him, but then, you never know. But for now, we've got our hands completely full (of love) with this little man.