Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thoughts on My Gym Experience Today

First off, had a great workout!  Am feeling myself get stronger, although I can tell my running and my abs are waaaaay behind what they used to be.  I can only run for a few minutes at a time, but it's increasing little by little.  I can already see changes in my body, as my muscles start to peek back through.  Feels good!

BUT...I have some other thoughts to share (warning:  I'm a bit snobbish here...don't judge):

1.) Planet Fitness touts itself as "The Judgement-Free Zone."  Yes, "judgEment," not the grammatically correct "judgment."  And today I noticed a sign in the women's locker room that read, "Please do not dipose of sanitary blah, blah, blah..."   Yes, "dipose," not "dispose."  Come on, people!

2.)  Nothing annoys me more than the girls who clearly aren't serious about working out and yet take up valuable equipment space.  For example, today I was waiting to do back extensions because a girl was doing the weirdest, most ineffective crunches on the thing.  After I took a closer look, I got even more annoyed.  Hair down, wearing a regular bra, lifting the lightest weight on the machines, moving at a snail's pace with no apparent purpose/plan.  Um, come with your boyfriend even though you don't work out?!?  Get off the machines and go rent a DVD, chick!  Ugh!  Please note this is different than the regular gym newbie, which I totally understand and support.

3.)  I am not a gym snob by any means.  That is, I can work out in the most basic gyms, and would rather not pay an arm and a leg.  That being said, PF seems to be looking very dirty and rundown these days.  I wanted to roll out my hamstring today, but one look at the grungy, no-longer-white foam roller caused me to decide against it.  Dirty floors, broken equipment, ripped mats...  Ugh!  But I so don't want to pay the $50 a month for Pro Health (plus a $100 membership fee!!).  ::sigh::  Will just have to be sure to wash my hands thoroughly when I leave.

4.)  What kind of gym offers FREE PIZZA?!  That's right, not protein shakes or bars, not fruit or nuts...PIZZA!  PF does...come on!  How serious a gym can you be?!  Here's a link to a great review of PF...I tend to agree with most of what's in the article.


  1. My friend calls that place "Planet Fatness" because they order pizza. They are the epitome of "keep 'em fat, keep 'em payin'." And honestly, my gym charges $75 a month and is brand new and state of the art, yet it's always dirty. When I take clients to the mats I get embarrassed by how dirty they are, and my poor clients have to put their hands down to plank on top of all the dirt & sand.

    As for doing back extensions, don't bother using the roman machine if Suzie-regular bra is taking up the equipment. Grab a stability ball and do these..

    the instability of the ball makes them even harder!

  2. "suzie regular bra" - - - I love it. i hate that. when people are total gym space wasters. its like.... i could be using those weights that this gym for some reason only has one set of and you are using and not even holding them correctly and are going to pull your muscle just getting them off the rack.

  3. Planet Fatness!! Too much, I love it! LOL...yeah, she was a joke. Thankfully for her sake she was lifting like 5 lbs so I doubt she'll be pulling any muscles.

    On the stability ball note, I tried to go that route but some guy was using the size ball I needed. Anther strike against PF...two of the extra large balls, two small ones, but only one medium. Ugh!


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