Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Yesterday Joe and I went to Patrick Air Force Base to take the "official" test. They make you take a blood test there before they refer you to an OB, so we stopped off and I gave a little of the red stuff.

This morning, the lady from the clinic called to let me know the test was POSITIVE!! I was ecstatic of course, although we pretty much knew already. So, she told me I had to come back to Patrick to pick up my prenatal vitamins and I had to call the TRICARE office to get my OB information.

Once I called, they told me I had to come to Patrick next Tuesday to take a OB-Prep class, which will just go over what is and isn't covered by TRICARE. She also send me a list of OBs that I could choose from, so I was eager to check the list.

Although my old doctor was on the list, I wanted to check out who was working at Cape Canaveral Hospital because Joe heard that they had the best rooms. Sure enough, I went online and found out that they have LDRR room (which is short for Labor, Delivery, and Recovery Room). Basically, that means I can labor, deliver, and recover all in one room...whereas the others require you to move into a different room once your baby is born. They also allow you to keep the baby in the room with you rather than being kept in the nursery, so I like that element a lot.

So I found three doctor's on the list that all work at Canaveral and chose one named Dr. Vanessa Dance. She's an MD, at the hospital itself, and her name is just too cute to pass up. Joe was concerned about the distance to the hospital, but I told him we would have plenty of time and it was only like 30 minutes away anyways.

So, here we are...choosing doctors and hospitals...and it's all finally becoming real. We both seem to hate that we are keeping this to ourselves, so we decided to start telling people next week once I officially reach 6 weeks. He cannot wait to tell his parents...it's totally cute.

Let the whirlwind begin....

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