Monday, June 14, 2010


We finally got our ultrasound and were able to hear the heartbeat!  Thank god.  There was only one baby too, which was nice to know.  Since Joe has twins in his family, I was a little nervous for a while.  The heartbeat was 160 beats per minute and the little muffin is only 6 cm big from crown to rump.  S/he was bouncing all around, so it was quite fun to watch.  We could see fingers, nose, feet, brain, was incredible.  They also took some blood from my finger to do the test for Down's Syndrome and Trisomy risks.  Here is my favorite pic:
Sweet little thing! 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Maternity Wear

Since I am a strict planner, I am already scouting out some maternity wear.  Although I am clinging to the hope that I will be one of those people who doesn't really even need maternity clothes until month 8 or something, I am a tad more realistic, so thought I would begin looking for deals.

I've already discovered how expensive it all can be, especially when you won't even be able to wear it for very long.  Sites like A Pea in the Pod and Isabella Oliver are favorites of the celebrities that we all dream we will look like, but a shirt costs $90 and a pair of jeans can set you back $200.  While I am all about being fashionable, I also know I don't want to be foolish.

 Photo from Amazon

Thankfully, I bought and devoured this great book called Bump It Up by Amy Tara Koch.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Good Things About Being Pregnant

Oddly, I have found it difficult to find the positives about being pregnant (hold your comments and allow me to explain before you judge).  You see, I am just finishing up the first trimester, which traditionally is the worst for the pregnant girl and you don't really feel pregnant yet, so it's not like baby hate or anything.  But I have managed to see a few positives:

Competition in the Belly World?!

I find it funny, and yet frustrating, the amount of competition there is in the pregnant world.  Seems like everybody has an opinion about how much weight you should gain, when you should begin showing, and how fast you should lose the weight.  I mean, I'm not even a celebrity and I already feel the struggle.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

25% there

I am currently at about 10.5 weeks so I think it's safe to say I've rounded first.  Nothing too exciting going on in the last week, but still excited to be here!

I still don't have much of anything showing, which is kind of a relief.  I really shouldn't look at pictures of celebrity preggers because then I feel bad about my own human body.  I mean, Gisele can't be human, right?  I recently read a caption in a magazine that said she never wore maternity clothes.  Freakish, I tell you.

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