Monday, June 7, 2010

Good Things About Being Pregnant

Oddly, I have found it difficult to find the positives about being pregnant (hold your comments and allow me to explain before you judge).  You see, I am just finishing up the first trimester, which traditionally is the worst for the pregnant girl and you don't really feel pregnant yet, so it's not like baby hate or anything.  But I have managed to see a few positives:

    Image Courtesy of
(1)  Not drinking.
This may sound like a negative, but I am someone who doesn't really enjoy drinking much anyways, but I always found it so hard to not drink when everyone else does.  You kind of feel like a party pooper when you're like, I don't feel like it.  Like the Kardashians say, "Don't be a bore, be a whore."  Story of my life, I swear.  So it's been refreshing to have a reason not to.  No hangovers, no sluggishness, so worries that I'm drinking a week's worth of calories in my chocolate martini.  Plus, when you are kind of a health nut like me, you can't bear the thought of what it's doing to your body, so hallelujah.

(2)  Being off the hook for everything.
I don't have to clean the litter box or pick up near misses.  I can lie on the couch and relax all day and not be judged for being lazy.  I can crave just about anything and not have to explain what's wrong with me.  And if I get emotional or have a meltdown (like yesterday), I can say, oh I'm just being hormonal.

(3)  Permission to wear pajamas/leggings all the time.
Unless we are going out, I can pretty much live in comfy pants.  Although I don't need any bigger sizes yet (see previous post about annoying weight comments), sometimes tight jeans or other bottoms feel constricting.  So I go change into yoga shorts or some juicy pants and kick back.

And while that's all I have for now, I am sure I will add to this list later.  Maybe I will even post a bad things about being pregnant post soon.

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