Since it's Wednesday, I need to think about work. I have been looking for a job for a year now after being in DC for the last two, and it hasn't exactly gone as planned. I never expected to go a whole year with barely a nibble. It's really demeaning to think all my hard work in school and professional endeavors (not to mention the time spent sending resumes, maintaining social media sites, updating portfolios) has amounted to nothing. My $50,000 contribution to Georgetown, which I thought was a surefire way to boost my marketability, has yet to reap any rewards. Thankfully, I was able to defer my student loan payments since I am on unemployment or else I would be in deep trouble.
So, this morning I went online and applied to two more English teaching jobs here in Brevard. I started on the teaching path last year when the regular professional world wasn't panning out. Plus the idea of summer's off and working with kids in a family-friendly profession really looks appealing knowing that I know have a baby. Plus, it's something I can do here in Melbourne, where there seems to be a shortage of jobs in my field.
So, I applied for an English job at a high school and a temporary position at one of the middle schools. I think I will put together some formal resume packets this week and fax them out to all the schools I've applied to since the beginning (which is about 8 or so that have had English or Journalism job postings). Perhaps this will help, since the whole Brevard County School system online thing doesn't seem to elicit much response.
My only concern is that I have never taught before. Not only that, but it's not like I took education classes in college or anything, so I have no real idea how to create a lesson plan or what material I am supposed to cover or what's the best approach to teaching certain things (I realized my lack of knowledge when I took the certification exam and 50% of the questions centered around teaching skills). So it's not enough to have a degree and have working in the field...I need to know how to properly teach it to kids. So it makes me wonder if a school would even hire me with no experience...
Still waiting to hear about a few Orlando jobs that I applied to last week or so... And need to follow up with the unemployment since something was screwed up the last time I logged in to report my earnings.
As much as I don't want to leave little man, I know I will just be depressed if I don't find a job. Even if it's just part-time somewhere so that I feel like I'm contributing and I have something to do with myself outside of this house. Plus it will be nice to socialize and meet people again. I really hang out with no one these days and that does not help the morale.
Keep searching and something will come along. The Universe has it's own way of giving you things that you need at each time in your life. For now keep trying, but appreciate the time you have to spend with Nash. Soon enough you will find a job and you will wish you had this time to yourself back.