Friday, April 23, 2010

Three times a charm!

So, this is officially my first post navigating from the wedding to the next big thing in our lives: a baby!

I went off birth control in late March in order to get ready for baby-making after the wedding. I had my last period on March 21st, so I knew that I would be ovulating right around the week before the wedding. Well, on the Monday before, one thing led to another ::wink wink:: I should have known we couldn't wait until the wedding!

We had a glorious honeymoon full of baby-making (sorry family who may eventually read this), so I think we were both hoping, but not really getting our hopes up. After doing some quick math in my head, I knew to expect my period sometime towards the end of the honeymoon, which was a total bummer, but what can you do?

Well, by Sunday I still had not gotten my period, so I took a test. Thankfully, I had my suspicions that things might happen, so I had brought one with me to Jamaica. I took the test hurriedly while Joe sipped a fruity rum drink on the patio. Negative.

I couldn't help but be disappointed, but there was always next month. So with that, we packed up all our stuff and headed back home.

By Tuesday, I had still not gotten my period and was starting to get worried. I decided to take another test. This time I took the test while I was home alone and Joe was at work. This time it was..half positive??? I was expecting either a minus sign or a plus sign, but what I got was a minus sign with an extremely faint crosshair. Now, knowing what I know about pregnancy tests, I got a little excited since I knew they are designed to detect the pregnancy hormone, so any line must mean something. But then, what if I did it wrong? And of course, it was my last test!

I went back like 6 times that day checking...50% of the time I was convinced it was positive and the other 50% I thought I was crazy.

The next day, I was super busy running errands, but I decided to stop by and get some more tests. I also stopped by Barnes and Noble to pick up a baby book for Joe. It was always my idea to break the news to him by giving him a daddy book and writing, "Congrats, Daddy! We're Pregnant!" on the inside cover. I found a good one and finished up my errands.

When I got home, Joe was already home, so I waited for a free moment to go take the test. This one gives you one line if you are negative and two if you are positive...and the box said to wait three minutes for results. I barely had to wait three seconds. It automatically came up with two lines. Pregnant!

So, I ran into the other room and wrapped up Joe's gift. I couldn't keep this to myself. I gave him the gift and he seemed stunned. "Really?!?" he said. Then he got excited, although I think he spent the first night feeling like everything was such a whirlwind.

So, here we are...pregnant with our first child and haven't even been married a month! Haha...who knew?!? We're super excited though, and I've already got this uber cute belly book where you track all your progress and we've taken the 5 week picture already. We're also talking about nursery ideas and whether we think it will be a boy or a girl (Joe bet today that we're going to have a girl).

So, this blog is going to be a place for me to unload all of the things that I am going through, our experiences, and to keep our friends and family updated with the exciting news. Only thing is, I'm writing this today and we have decided not to tell anyone for a while. So this post will be private until then.

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