Thursday, August 26, 2010

Checking Back In

I just realized that I have not blogged in almost a month and so much has happened!  We took a trip up north to see family, pick up the jewelry armoire that my dad made for me, and have our first baby shower.  We had our second ultrasound and found out we're having a boy!  I applied for an exciting job that I really hope I get.  We have completed about 90% of the nursery in the last week alone!  It's been crazy...I have so much to blog about!

The vacay was awesome.  We spent a lot of time with family and it was just great.  My dad had a little get together at his house in NH so our whole family could come and see us.  And we picked fresh blackberries from his yard in the morning, the weather was amazing, we shopped at farmer's markets...ah, it was great.  Then we took the armoire (which was AMAZING) back down to Jersey with us.

In Jersey, his parents threw us a baby shower for all of us his family and friends, which was so awesome.  His mom decorated and they got this amazing cake, and even his uncle came!
We got so many nice gifts, it's just unbelievable. We are still planning on having another baby shower down here in FL for all of our friends and some of my family, so we're looking at October 16th for that.

I applied for a full-time Army position as a Public Affairs Specialist for the Florida National Guard.  It makes like 60k and comes with great benefits, but it also comes with a 2 hour drive.  Ugh!  But it might be worth it.  The announcement closes tomorrow, so I am still really hopeful.  Joe and I have even talked about moving further north if I get it so my drive will be a little less.  Cross your fingers!!

And finally, we made some insane process on the nursery!  We put in wood flooring, painted the walls, finished refinishing the dresser and nightstand, painted half the mural (waiting on a name choice to finish the rest), put all the furniture in there and together, and went on a shopping trip to Ikea.  I want to wait until the whole room is together to put up a cohesive picture, but I will post some individual shots and info on how we did it in the following blogs.  Here's a tidbit!
Orange Fillsta Table Lamp from Ikea


  1. congrats girl.. you look lovely!! just remember how lucky you are that you can wear flowy dresses throughout your pregnanacy where as for those of us in the north are gonna have to find pregnancy pants one day. eeeew!

  2. I'm so mad...I wrote this long comment on your TMI post and there was some error when I submitted and it got erased. Bottom line: too much protein with no real fiber to digest it. Happens to Army guys in the field all the time...they think they can take in tons of protein to lose weight while out there, but protein is actually fairly hard to digest. Unfortunately those fibers pills aren't the best kind of is what's in fruits and veggies like apples, carrots, etc... but those are likely a no-no on your plan. Also, drink as much plain water as possible...hard to remember when drinking protein shakes and energy drinks most of the time.

  3. And yeah, I live in yoga pants most of the time. I did splurge on one expensive pair of jeans from a Pea in the Pod since I will be REALLY pregnant in December when it's a little cold here.


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