Friday, July 16, 2010

Approaching Milestones

Been feeling pretty good lately, although decidedly I need to start eating better and working out more.  I am so eager to fall off the band wagon for just about anything.

This morning I went on a 2.2 mile walk.  Ideally, I would like to do that walk 3 times a week, and go to the gm the other two days.   I also need to eat more fruits and vegetables...I've barely touched a vegetable for the longest time. 

We are approaching the exciting time of the second trimester ultrasound.  We can't wait until we can find out if it's a boy or a girl, as it will make everything that much more real.  I have been focusing so much on trying to feel the baby move, but haven't felt anything.  It's kind of disappointing, but I know it's still early.  Once we know what is it, we can finish the registry and pick names.

We also have baby showers to look forward to.  I think Joe's mom is going to throw us a shower when we come up to NJ in August, which is so nice.  All of their family can come, so that makes it so special.  I think we will probably have one down here too for our friends and locals, but that won't be until October sometime.

1 comment:

  1. i felt the baby around week 17. it felt a little like gas bubbles moving around :) so I didnt think that that was the baby at first. but then at week 18 I was sure it wasnt gas and that it was the baby and was sad that i had been feeling it for a week and just thinking it was gas. keep an eye out (or feel) anytime around or after week 15. this is where it gets fun!!!


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