The week was was crazy. But the weekend was super sweet. Here's the deets:
Monday was a pretty crazy work day as we ran around preparing for the seminars we were hosting all week long. In amongst all the contract printing, RSVPing, and packing of supplies, I managed to knock out a quick little web graphic for one of our promotions. Since my husband owns a country bar and this particular bar was, ahem, attempting to snare some of his business, I did so begrudgingly. You can tell from my steely-eyed selfie that I was not happy about this traitor business.
Tuesday I decided that since I sucked royally at the January Photo-A-Day Challenge on Instagram that I should sign up for a February one! Let's see if I can remember to take the darn pictures.
Nash got to spent the day at home with Daddy, the remote, and Yo Gabba, so he didn't mind if I needed to work a bit late so I could take some more selfies.
Wednesday started bright and early, so I didn't even get to see my little man before I headed out. Thankfully, I have the best Hubs in the world, who sent me this sweet little snapshot of my babyman eating pastina at Grammy's house. Such a good little Italian boy.
In order to make it through Day 2 of said seminars, Doug and I hit up the Cracker Barrel for some old timey snacks. Thank goodness for goo-goos and diet coke. I sped home to get some snuggles with my main man before packing it up and heading over to Italy Italy for some prep/cook/clean up free dinner. Nash was very serious about watching his cartoons on my iPhone...
Friday morning, I snapped a pic of this kitty that has decided to make our front porch his new home. We're thinking he can't be a stray because he's (1) too friendly, (2) too fat and (3) wants to come in our house something bad. Too bad we can't keep you, Buddy <---that's his new (temporary) name.
I got to leave work early on Friday since apparently I am only allowed to work so many hours and I had capped out thanks to early mornings and late evenings. So I spent some quality time with Bubs who ran towards me for a hug (I don't think that's what he was really doing, but it felt good typing it). Since Daddy and Mimi had to work it was just us. We got some stuff done around the house, had a yummy dinner, and watch cartoons before snuggling into bed.

Saturday began with a Public run followed by a vacuum cleaner ride (who knew those things looked like ponies??). After being couped up in the house, we hit the front yard for some outside time. We went on a little walk while daddy napped, and Mama helped herself to some warm tea.
For dinner, I hit up Pinterest and decided to try my hand at these delicious looking ham and cheese sliders. They were just that, folks...delicious.
Sunday, Bubs and I went on a long (and painful) stroller run. After 3.55 miles of misery, we headed back home to try on Daddy's glasses (doesn't he look just like Joe??).
We headed out later in the afternoon, but had to make a pit stop on the driveway to say hi to Buddy. Apparently he likes me. Looks like we have a new kitty.
And that's it! Phew! Can't believe I imagine to post all this... Hope you guys actually care to read it all...haha... If not, I'll try harder next time.