Monday, June 7, 2010

Competition in the Belly World?!

I find it funny, and yet frustrating, the amount of competition there is in the pregnant world.  Seems like everybody has an opinion about how much weight you should gain, when you should begin showing, and how fast you should lose the weight.  I mean, I'm not even a celebrity and I already feel the struggle.

For example, I am 11 weeks along and have had two people (one, ahem, very close to me) say they are surprised that my pants are snug this early on.  Mind you one has never had a baby and one is a dude.  I'm like, yeah, snug...not like I need friggin maternity pants, but snug.  ::Sigh::  I've even had people say maybe you don't know how pregnant you really are.  Huh??  Come on, people, I think I know my body well enough.  And besides, there are countless websites that make it pretty damn fool proof.

11 Weeks                                           vs.             

                     11 Weeks

Thankfully, I recently found out another friend of mine is pregnant and only two weeks behind me!  She told me she already feels like her pants are snug too, so that really helps.  I think we have pretty similar body types too, so it makes me feel better.  To everyone else, watch your comments.  As a girl who has always been concerned with her weight, the last thing I want to do is to worry that I am gaining too much weight too early.

(For the record, I am not even sure I've gained any weight, but it hasn't gone up much if at all.  I normally weigh about 137, but when I got home from the honeymoon I weighed 144 - woops, too much indulgence!  Then I went down to 141.4, then back up to 143 then back down to 142, and am now back at 144 so who the hell really knows).


  1. you will bounce back in no time. its called youth and muscle memory :)

  2. I'm writing that on a post-it and sticking it to my bathroom mirror for the next 6 1/2 months. Thank you...


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