Wednesday, August 29, 2012

T Minus Two Months Til Dirty Thirty

Ok, so we're getting crazy close, folks. Like oh. my. god. I. only. have. sixty. days. left. in. my. twenties close. I can hardly believe I'm going to be thirty. It's so crazy I have to spell it out...thirrrrrrty.

Since time is ticking down, I thought I would check in on my 30-Before-30 List and see where I'm at. I'm predicting a whole lotta "wow, I've got some work to do" thoughts in the next few minutes here...
  1. Run a half-marathon
  2. Start a retirement account
  3. Get paid for photography  (one photo, one session, whatever...)
  4. Sew an outfit I'd wear in public
  5. Take Nash to see the snow
  6. Bake and decorate a multi-layer ombre cake
  7. Capture a great "fireworks" photo (I'm so counting my missile photo for this one)
  8. Take part in a haunted house
  9. Go on a big family vacay
  10. Visit a foreign country
  11. Start a business (half way done on this one)
  12. Get paid to design something (biz cards, flyers, logos, invitations, whatever...)
  13. Take a real road trip somewhere new and random
  14. Can something I grow or make myself
  15. Try bikram yoga
  16. Begin composting
  17. Kick my sugar habit
  18. Set up and maintain a photo archive system
  19. Do a mud/fun run with a group of friends (set for Nov, but I'm still counting it)
  20. Go on an adults-only cruise
  21. Complete a 30-day photo challenge (September, here I come!)
  22. Buy a new house (near a playground)
  23. Master the perfect sourdough bread recipe
  24. Start a family tradition
  25. Perform a full pull-up unassisted (might be easy for some, but I've never been able to do it)
  26. Meet Giuliana Rancic and tour the E! Networks building (ok, this may be dreaming)
  27. Build Bubs a sand box from scratch (no plans, no kits)
  28. Donate 10 hours of time to either a kids' charity or an animal shelter So counting my 15 hours of National Guard Conference hell
  29. Learn how to swim
  30. Have an awesome 30th birthday party

Ok, I've REEEEEEEEALLY got some work to do.  ::sigh::   Or maybe I've got some living to do.  Yeah, I like that better.


  1. loving your new bloog look!!!!! Nice!!! did you do it yourself?

  2. Thank you!! I did the layout and the side tabs and whatnot, but the header was created by Jess from She does awesome illustrations...and she has a bunch of free printables too.


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