Thursday, May 6, 2010

Weeks 5 and 6 Belly Pictures

Since I was a total loser and didn't remember to post the week 5 pic, I will just include it with the week 6 picture. Keep in mind, you aren't seeing anything yet...that's just some Chili's in there!! haha!

Here is week 5:

As you can see, nothing really showing yet.  Think we are going to take all the pictures the same way so you can really see if there's any change.  And we are going to do it against a different wall each week so the background is a different color!

And here is week 6:

Again, not much going on here.  To think that I will soon say goodbye to my kind-of fabulous abs.  I just hope my stomach is the only thing that grows and that my bootie doesn't get any ideas!

 Joe and I both think that my chest is already filling out, and lord knows it hurts like a mother!!  Other than that, not much to report in the symptom department.  I have had some random nausea, but nothing that bad.  I also can't seem to maintain a constant body temperature...I'm driving Joe crazy!

We have our first OB appointment with Dr. Vanessa Dance on May 19th.  They usually wait until you are between 8 and 10 weeks along, so during that appointment we'll do all the labs, ultrasound, etc...  I'm already taking the prenatal vitamins they gave, so we're all set.

I'll whip up another post sometime soon with some of the DIY nursery ideas we are considering.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm - you call that a belly - looks more like you're hiding a couple of twinkies washed down with an ice cream sundae - in fact - I think I see some chocolate sprinkles and a couple pieces of walnuts poking thru.


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