Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blog Updates For the New Year

In the spirit of the new year and keeping to my resolutions, I've decided to amp up my blog content.  In order to accomplish this, I have come up with some regular topics to post on each week, so that I always have something to write about.  Also, it will let everyone know what to expect each week, in case you find one particular segment interesting and want to make sure you keep up with it.

So, here is my tentative schedule:
Monday:  Menu Planning Mondays.  This is where I will detail what I plan to make for that week (I do this now in order to keep up with grocery shopping and never be left without a plan).  I will also look back at the previous week and talk about what I did/didn't like and how things turned out.

Tuesday:  My Life as a Wife and Mom.  This is where I will talk about my daily adventures/struggles/reflections on being married and having a new baby.  This is the family topic! 

Wednesday:  Workin' Wednesdays.  This is where I will discuss my professional endeavors.  Since I have been looking for a job for a full year now, it will likely begin with discussions about where I am applying, interviews (hopefully), and what else I am doing to further myself professionally.

Thursday:  Free post.  This is where I get to write about a random thing that inspires me that week. 

Friday:  Foto Fridays.  This is where I will post my favorite photo (or photos) from the week.  One of my desires for this year is to get a fancy schmancy new camera and improve my photography skills.

Saturday: Day off.  I am allowing myself one blog-free day of the week...this way I won't get overwhelmed.  And I can spend more time with my family!

Sunday:  Sewing Sundays.  This is where I will blog about what I have sewn or would like to sew...will include links to projects/blogs I like, so all my fellow crafters/seamstresses out there, keep your eyes peeled for this one!  I may not start this right away since I haven't had much time to sew lately with the baby and all.

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