Thursday, January 13, 2011

Post Baby Body Adventure

As I slowly approach the six-week postpartum mark - that is, that magical date when one can return to working out - I stop to think about my strategies, goals, and worries. 

First and foremost, I am a little nervous about getting back in there.  I don't feel as though I am healing the way I should.  Not that I really know how I should be healing, but not quite the way I thought I would.  My doctor's appointment is set for the 20th, so hopefully I'll feel more confident by then or else I can ask her what she thinks.  I hope everything is ok and I can be reassured that starting up my workouts will be safe.  Funny I always thought I would be "sort of" working out by now and waiting for that appointment just so we could "get busy" again, but it's not that at all.   I just want to know I can move freely without fear.

So, what are my goals?  I think I have several, all of which I hope to accomplish simultaneously.  Here's the rundown:
  • Get under 130 lbs (this is my happy weight and I tend to hover between 130 and 138, so I want to try and get under 130 for a change).
  • Earn a 270 or better on my PT test scheduled for 6 months from my delivery date (so approximately June or so).
  • Run a half marathon by the end of the year (or early next year if there isn't a good one in the area before then)
  • Overall, tone up.  Better booty, better abs, stronger arms.  Do a pull up.  
Nothing that seems too demanding or out there, right?  I just really need to dedicate myself and make no excuses.  It's amazing how hard it is though when Joe doesn't work out.  I feel guilty taking time to go to the gym when he is able to maintain his body without any of that.  And now I will have to leave Nash...  But I must do this for myself.

Strategies are simple.  Work out.  And eat better.  I am already working on the eating thing, but there are still a lot of improvements to be made.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girly. I am here to cheer you on!!! If you want to try virtual training with me (to keep your booty motivated to get in the gym daily!) let me know!!


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