Monday, January 24, 2011

Workouts and Weight Concerns

Today was my first day back in the gym in about 4 months.  It was officially my first time attempting to run since I was about 4 months pregnant.  Even though I know it is safe to run while pregnant (especially if you've always been a runner), I just couldn't get over the feeling that the baby was bouncing around.  It was just too much weight all in the front to be comfortable.

I was so happy Joe agreed to let me have this one hour three times a week.  It means he has to stay here alone with the baby, which I know makes him nervous because he feels like the baby is attached me and he can't console him.  But I really need my "me" time, and the baby will never be comfortable with him if he only spends an hour a day with him.  So I made sure I pumped plenty of milk for him and set him up with everything he needed before heading off to my playground.

I literally had to fight back tears of joy when I stepped on the treadmill...literally.  I was just so happy to be back to doing something I love, something totally for me, and something that I knew would make me feel good.  I haven't had much time to myself, to focus on myself, since the baby, so this was incredible.  I didn't go very far or very fast, but it was enough to get me back in the saddle without over doing it.  I also did about 30 minutes of weights, since I believe it's a balance of the two that achieves ultimate fitness (and a killer bod).

Afterward I had to hit up Wal-mart to pick up groceries for the week.  I was nearly finished and still floating on a cloud when this girl started talking to me.  She was like, "Wow, I keep seeing you everywhere."  You're here buying milk and we're getting half n half, that's so funny."  Meanwhile, I'm like, uh, I've never seen you before in my life.  Then she drops a bomb on me.  "Are you pregnant?" she asks all nonchalantly.  I am literally speechless.  Although yes, I did just have a baby six weeks ago, I actually weigh less than I did before I got pregnant.  And I think I almost look normal...definitely not pregnant.  So I stood there for about a minute...before I am finally able to say, "No, but I did just have a baby."  After finishing our conversation, I make my way to the checkout like a zombie...totally fucked up that some random person saw me and thought I was pregnant.  Ouch.

Only thing I can posit is that I do have a slight pooch because my abs are not strong right now, and maybe I wasn't sucking in or something.  And because I am skinny everywhere else with this little bulge, I must be pregnant.  Ballsy move, chick, nonetheless.  People didn't even ask me that when I was pregnant (until I looked like I swallowed a basketball).  Second time in a day I had to fight back tears...



  1. Im sorry you are feeling this way. Maybe she had you mistaken for someone else. Don't worry about it. next time you see her tell her, " I see you everywhere" and then punch her in the face!!! I hope your days get better. I was in your same situation and sad about how i looked. but i promise it gets better.

  2. I had the same experience 4 months after having a baby. Except it happened twice with coworkers...I feel your pain. They just added fuel to my work-out fire. Jerks! Rest assured she probably felt incredibly stupid after asking the one question you never ask unless you know for sure. You've already lost the pregnancy weight which most people never do. Keep on the up and up :-)

  3. Thanks for the sweet words, girls. She's gonna get it if I ever see her sunglass-wearing-inside-a-building ass.

    And she does add fuel to my workout fire...I'll show you!!


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