Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday's Fashion Wrap Up - Vol. 2 The Sick as a Dog Edition

Yep, I'm sick.  Curses, curses, curses.  Many thanks to the sicky husband for passing his super germs on to you too, babe.  Needless to say getting out of bed was quite the task this week,  let alone getting dressed.  But somehow I managed to not walk out of the house in my nightgown (does anyone really wear those??), so here we go!


Pants:  Express
Shirt:  H&M (also seen here)
Belt:  Charlotte Russe
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson
Inspiration:  Pinterest!


Shorts:  H&M
Sweater:  Gap
Tights: Target (shhhh, they're maternity!)
Shoes:  Shoedazzle (also seen here)
Jewelry:  Charlotte Russe


Skirt:  Express (seen here)
Tank:  Target
Sweater:  Charlotte Russe
Shoes:  Jessica Simpson (also seen here)


Skirt:  Banana Republic
Tank:  American Eagle
Cardigan:  H&M
Neacklace and Earrings:  Charlotte Russe
Flats:  Target

Skinnies:  Target (seen here)
Shirt and Earrings:  Charlotte Russe
Flats:  Guess

And that's it!  As you probably noticed, my outfits got less and less creative each day of the my germy-ness progressed.  Hopefully I'll be back up and running by next Monday, so we can get this going again.  Oh, and the big boss of all bosses is coming into town, so super professional is the theme for next week!


  1. You look great even when sick! I love the way you mix and match your clothes to make various different outfits...talent!

  2. Thank you!! I think it's funny you can see the decline in my fashion creativity as my cold progressed...hehe... And it's all about mixing...otherwise I would just wear the same sh*t all the time!


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