Thursday, August 30, 2012

Things I'm (Currently) Loving

Loving His Outfit.

Last week I debut this "Things I've Loving" feature as a way to share with you guys all the things I've stumbled upon in the last week or so.  I spend a lot of time online (it's ridiculous really), so I often see things that I have to have or must try or just think is stinkin cute.  If you follow me on Pinterest, you may have already seen some of these.

  • I just might have to buy all these flavors.  Just to try them.  Too bad they don't have a sampler pack 'cause I would buy the heck out of that! Instead I settled for the Dark Chocolate Cherry and the Cinnamon Raisin.

  • This post about breastfeeding might just have contributed to this crazy rash of baby fever I got goin on right about now.   Next time around, I'm putting her on speed dial.

  • Thanks to one of my favorite mommy bloggers, Melissa at dearbabyblog, I'm expecting my first FIX on the 7th.  Hoping at least one thing is a keeper.

  • This slideshow caught my eye...  This is my dream closet for Nash whenever we finally get settled.  It's so organized!  Can't wait until he has his own "real" room again. 

  • Found a new pancake recipe that's Paleo and could easily be high in protein (or higher, maybe).  Going to try them next week and I'll let you know how it goes.

  • And just for grins, here's a funny YouTube video that my coworker showed me (and all the other guys in my office).  Thought it was so good, I had to forward it on to the Hubs so he could have a chuckle.  And now I'm sharing it with you.  You're welcome.

Feel free to share some of your favorite findings this week by leaving links in the comments.  I'd love to see (and maybe pin) what you come up with!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

T Minus Two Months Til Dirty Thirty

Ok, so we're getting crazy close, folks. Like oh. my. god. I. only. have. sixty. days. left. in. my. twenties close. I can hardly believe I'm going to be thirty. It's so crazy I have to spell it out...thirrrrrrty.

Since time is ticking down, I thought I would check in on my 30-Before-30 List and see where I'm at. I'm predicting a whole lotta "wow, I've got some work to do" thoughts in the next few minutes here...
  1. Run a half-marathon
  2. Start a retirement account
  3. Get paid for photography  (one photo, one session, whatever...)
  4. Sew an outfit I'd wear in public
  5. Take Nash to see the snow
  6. Bake and decorate a multi-layer ombre cake
  7. Capture a great "fireworks" photo (I'm so counting my missile photo for this one)
  8. Take part in a haunted house
  9. Go on a big family vacay
  10. Visit a foreign country
  11. Start a business (half way done on this one)
  12. Get paid to design something (biz cards, flyers, logos, invitations, whatever...)
  13. Take a real road trip somewhere new and random
  14. Can something I grow or make myself
  15. Try bikram yoga
  16. Begin composting
  17. Kick my sugar habit
  18. Set up and maintain a photo archive system
  19. Do a mud/fun run with a group of friends (set for Nov, but I'm still counting it)
  20. Go on an adults-only cruise
  21. Complete a 30-day photo challenge (September, here I come!)
  22. Buy a new house (near a playground)
  23. Master the perfect sourdough bread recipe
  24. Start a family tradition
  25. Perform a full pull-up unassisted (might be easy for some, but I've never been able to do it)
  26. Meet Giuliana Rancic and tour the E! Networks building (ok, this may be dreaming)
  27. Build Bubs a sand box from scratch (no plans, no kits)
  28. Donate 10 hours of time to either a kids' charity or an animal shelter So counting my 15 hours of National Guard Conference hell
  29. Learn how to swim
  30. Have an awesome 30th birthday party

Ok, I've REEEEEEEEALLY got some work to do.  ::sigh::   Or maybe I've got some living to do.  Yeah, I like that better.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I've Got the Fever...

Baby Nash - 1 day old

I feel like I'm surrounded by babies.  Babies in real life, babies on the interweb, babies in Target.  There are goddamn pregnant women everywhere!  Is it something in the water or what, people?!

::sigh::  I only say it like that because I'm supremely jealous.  You see, I always thought I would have my babies close together.  Two years apart always sounded good to me.  I never really wanted to be one of those people who let years pass and then one day, GO!  Let's have another!  Not saying that's not an awesome choice too - it definitely has its perks - but I just thought I wanted them to grow up together.  Plus I didn't want to be an old mom...hahaha!

But as time ticks away following the birth of Nash - six months, one year, 18 months, now almost 21 months - I realize I will have to be one of those people.  Our lives have become so completely disheveled that there's no room for a baby (or a pregnancy for that matter) right now.  Joe hasn't made any money at work in almost a year.  I'm seriously a career nomad right now just trying to cover down on everything by myself.  I'm on the short list to mobilize to DC again next year - which I don't really want to do, but it's ridiculous money and DC is a fun place and yadda yadda.

In my perfect world, I would tell the Army to go "F" itself on October 28th (my 30th birthday, how appropo).  Joe and I would say, ah hell, let's just do it and we'd have another baby (girl, please).  He'd finally be done with this County Line deal and move on to something else and make enough money to buy a house.  We'd move to North Carolina and I'd stay at home with my babies while earning extra dough as a photographer and a blogger.   Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?

Heading home from the hospital.
Bub and Daddy....who naps like this??  Only a tiny baby...

I think most of this stems from feeling like my baby will only be a baby for a short time, you know?  In just a few short years, he'll be off to school and that won't stop until he's an adult and moved out and gone.  So, I only have a few years to stay with him, teach him things, and help him grow into this fabulous little man.  Instead Joe handles it most days (no offense to my amazing husband, but nobody does it better than a Mama does).  And the days he works or needs a break, a couple of random women take over at daycare.  I'm left with a few hectic hours in the evening in between making dinner, cleaning up Nash zillion and one messes, and preparing for work the next day.  Oh yeah, and trying to find quality time with my husband.

I miss being home with my Bub.  And I want another shot at this baby thing.  And I don't want to be in the military anymore.  And I hate not having our own house.  And (shoot me for saying this) I kinda miss being pregnant too.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Vacation 2012 - Farm Life

While we were on vacation up north (the Mama portion), we made sure to hit up as many outdoorsy locales as possible.  We really wanted Nash to experience nature and animals and fresh food and all the other things that go hand-in-hand with life in the Northeast (at least when you are comparing it to sweltering hot Florida where outside = death).

One of our must-sees was this sweet little farm where you can meet all the animals, take a trip through the corn field maze (who knew they had corn in NH), and then finish it up with some fresh ice cream right off the farm.

They even had this awesome sandbox area filled with trucks and shovels and all kinds of stuff for the kiddos.  Nash was in heaven and threw a complete fit when we had to pull him away to go get ice cream.  Too bad he doesn't really know that the words "ice cream" mean yummy, sugary goodness or else it might have gone better for us.

We also took a ride up the road a few minutes to the stable where my Dad's girlfriend, Natalie, keeps her horse.  He was really beautiful...and really big.  I'm not the most comfortable around horses and Nash seemed a bit nervous around him too, but it was awesome to get up close and let him pet the horse.  There were a bunch of other horses there too just clamoring to come out of their stalls and say hi.

You can totally see his nerves in the photo below...and that was the pony we so wanted to get a picture of him riding!  Not a chance, Mama...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fitness: Month Two Check In

Well, it's officially been 60 days since I began my training with the Get in Shape Girl, so it's time for an update.
Starting Weight: 141.8 (ish)
Current Weight: 140.2 (ish)

Sad to say I haven't lost much weight.  But I do feel like I'm seeing changes, albeit subtle.  And I have to admit this month I haven't been that focused as I spent almost two weeks away on vacation where I was definitely not following my meal plan.  But as soon as I came back and started up again, I noticed a quick turn around.  I think at my lowest point I weighed in just over 138 lbs, so I'm fluctuating a bit.

I am noticing an improvement in my pushups, my runs are getting faster, and this week was the first time I was able to hold my planks for the full time for all three sets!  I'm really enjoying the diversity of the workouts, although I wish I had other options for my HIIT.  Unfortunately, I have a very "spartan" gym set up at work, so we don't really have any cardio equipment at all.  So all my HIITs have been sprints.  I tried doing mountain climbers, burpees, etc... for the intervals, but I couldn't keep going for the entire 60 seconds, so I've got to improve a bit before I can try those again.

Tell you what, my upper body is looking sick.  And my booty is looking better too...I notice I've got more of a curve from my lower back to my booty (I should have taken a side pic so you could see).  The lovies are still there, but they've always been my problem area.

One bummer is that I just found out my PT test isn't until February.  I was really hoping it was in November so I could knock it out before the holidays while I'm still in the zone.  I guess this just needs to motivate me to keep up with my workouts and my eating through the holidays so I can get the high score I've been aiming for.  I'll keep you posted!

Missed an update?

Vacation Part Two - Home in New Hampshire

No, I'm not really from New Hampshire, but it sure does feel nice to visit.  My whole family on my dad's side lives there, so it makes it a nice one-stop shop to see everyone.    It's incredibly beautiful there, and I always begin to question my love of suburban/urban life after spending a few days there in the summer.  We went once in the winter...never again.

My dad's house is surrounded by this amazing nature.  Woods, lakes, paths, animals, berries.  So much to see and experience, and we were super excited for Nash to take it all in now that he's finally old enough to really appreciate it.  We took walks, picked berries from my dad's bushes and made it a habit to spend as much time outside as possible.

Fresh Blueberry Milk!

My dad is renovating this old house in the next town over from where he and his family lives right now. Let me tell you, when we saw the house for the first time last year, I was like, whoa. I couldn't really understand why my dad had bought a house that needed so much work. Like it needed everything...

And after one year, he says he still has quite a bit of work left to do. But things are coming along...and I can tell he's really enjoying the process of redoing this place. And I can't wait to see it when it's done.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fashionable Weekend Purchases

This weekend we all piled into the car early one day to head over to this upscale outdoor shopping mall for some retail therapy.

We were in search of shoes - new running sneaks for me and new everyday sneaks for Joe. No shoes for me, but we did find some other sweet gems.

Nashie got some new Puma sneaks, a fedora, some shades, and a long-sleeve tee all from the Gap. He wore the Pumas to school today and already got compliments.

Daddy got new Pumas, and Mama got two tanks and some really awesome crops from Lululemon, which is my all time favorite store. I could literally spend my life savings in there.

If only every weekend were filled with endless piles of money and beautiful clothes.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Things I'm Loving

I mean, besides finding gems like this hiding in the iPhone archives.

I've seen those posts around the blogosphere and totally think it's an awesome idea, so I thought I'd get in on it.  Basically, it's just a chance to share some of the things I've found around the web lately in hopes that you might think they're awesome too.  It's like sharing the love...interweb style.

Pinterest makes this whole thing really rather easy.  If you don't know about Pinterest, you just aren't living and I INSIST you hop on over there and check it out.  You can start by checking out my boards/pins...I've got lots of lovelies already saved for ya.

  • I so need these S'mores Bars in my life ASAP.
  • Thinking I'll do my hair like this tomorrow.
  • One of my favorite Mama bloggers just had her 2nd'll have to check out her FB until she stops smooching his cheeks long enough to blog about it.
  • Another of my favorite Mama bloggers turned me on to  Still trying to master it, but the featured videos are awesome inspiration.
  • Feeling like I see this (cute girls in chucks) everywhere, so I feel I must get some.
  • Working with this lady to redesign my blog header...thinking it's going to be masterful
  • If you a web-type and you don't have one of these, I suggest you get one.  They're awesome.  Oh yeah, and you get free business cards from these guys when you sign up.

So there you have it, my first list of Things I'm Loving.  Hope you stumbled upon a few new gems...and if not, I'll try to do better next time.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Vacation - Going Back to Daddy's Roots

As part of the Philly/NJ portion of our vacation, we HAD to hit up some of Daddy's childhood hangouts.  His parents suggested we take Nash to the boardwalk at Ocean City.  Sure, Atlantic City has its own boardwalk, but the one at OC is way better, they said.  It. Has. Rides.  It was Nash's first time on these kinds of rides (although he did ride a carousel once at Legoland), so he was a whole big bag of emotions.

A little bit nervous. A whole ton of excited. And bursting at the seams with impatience. There were only a few he could go on (we felt like he might jump off some of the ones where he had to ride by himself), but we made the most of it and he had a blast. So much so that we had to drag him away kicking and screaming. 

The second part of our Daddy-led adventure was a trip into Philly.   This is Joe's hometown...where he spent many a (wild) night with friends and days cruising the streets in between classes at Temple and home in Cherry Hill. (editor's note: this is totally my perspective and Joe would probably laugh at me if he actually read my blog).

We were to meet his best friend Dave and his family downtown on South Street before heading to the Philly's game so that I could do what any normal person visiting Philly for the first time would do.

Get a REAL cheesesteak.

Jim's is the place.  Apparently there are a few places, but Jim's is one of the best that was close enough to be a reasonable pit stop on the way to the game.  The line was nearly out the door, so I took that as a sign we were in the right place.

After being schooled by the locals on how to properly order my meal ("wit" not "with", and that meant onions.  And REAL cheesesteaks are made with cheese whiz.  So I got a "cheese witout"), I was finally able to taste the official tourist food of Philly.

 And it was pretty damn tasty...although I would have liked more cheese whiz.

Afterwards, we rolled right on over to the stadium for the game.  Our section sung Happy Birthday to Dave's son Michael.  We ate ice cream out of little Phillies hat cups.  And our kid was miserable the entire time.  This photo was one of the only ones I took because I spent the rest of the game fighting with him, explaining to him why we don't hit other kids in the faces and then pushing him in circles around the stadium praying he'd fall asleep.

Needless to say, we left early.  But hey, at least I got a cheesesteak and this little man got a certificate for attending his first Phillies game.   What more can you ask for?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Vacation - The New Jersey Adventures

Yep, that pretty much sums up the travel portion of our vacation.  No, seriously, the trip there was pretty damn flawless.  No delays, no major issues...although we did almost miss our flight thanks to ZERO boarding calls.  We finally asked the desk 30 minutes before the departure when they were going to board and they said, we already have...we're getting ready to leave.  We were like, WHAT?!?!

But the kiddo slept the whole flight AND we had an extra seat, so I was able to lay him down for the second half.  That freed me up to get a drink, let some blood flow to my tush and relax.

Our first stop after the drive to the shore was to take little man to the beach.  It's New Jersey beach so the sand is soft (no crunched up shells here) and the water was a tid bit nipply for our Florida blood.   I'll let you go ahead and guess if that stopped a certain toddler with an affinity for all things involving water.

Joe's nephew Damian is an incredible piano player and he's 7!  So, the grandparents have this old keyboard at their house for whenever he comes over, and Nash noticed it right away.  After we disabled the volume slider (how does he find the worst buttons to push??), we let him bang away to his hearts content.  I think he's got good form...

The majority of our time in Brigantine was spent hanging in the yard, playing with Grandmom and Grandpop (Joe's parents) and, of course, more beach time.

Many evenings were spent in the yard burning off toddler energy.

On Saturday, all the family came down to the shore to visit.  We needed to celebrate Damian and Nico's birthdays, which are both right around the same time.  Cupcakes were eaten, margaritas were chugged sipped and lots of good times were had.

Stayed tuned for more vacation posts, including Nash's first rides, a Phillies game complete with REAL cheesesteaks and getting back to nature in New Hampshire!
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