Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Letters to Nash

My Dearest Nash,

I regret that this is the first letter I am writing to you, but I will do my best to make up for lost time.  You are growing so much every day, it’s hard to know where to begin.  Every day you make us laugh, you impress us with your talents, and you challenge us as parents.  You are such a sweet baby, with an unparalleled feistiness about you!   You really know how to express yourself!

You are getting so big; Mama and Daddy can barely carry you!  I weighed you tonight and you are over 17 pounds!  Someone saw you in the grocery store today and thought you were a one-year old - I couldn’t believe it.  You’re tall and robust, and definitely an athlete!  Your kicks are still going strong – from the time you were in my belly kicking me in the ribs until now when you repeatedly kick me anywhere you little legs can reach.  You’re just now starting to get some chub on you, which is so cute.  Your little legs are finally getting some little rolls, and I noticed some little dimples in your elbows the other day. Your giggles are infectious and you LOVE playing peek-a-boo!

You are finally sleeping well!  We struggled so much the last few months, but we’ve managed to find a way to help you sleep.  We spent the first few months sleeping close, snuggling with Mama, and then we tried to put you in your room to sleep on your own.  At first, you did great!  But then around 3 months, you seemed to really want Mama there all the time.  After a month of hanging in your room with you (all night sometimes), we finally had to let you just hang out by yourself for a while.  At first you were not happy!  But now you seem to prefer sleeping in your crib and even demand it when you’re super tired!  You love your nighttime baths, and Mama loves the way you smell when you’re all clean and snuggly!

Daddy and I are working hard to make sure you experience as much as possible, while still providing you some routine for comfort.  We go to Gymboree classes twice a week to sing songs and play with other babies.  We go to the beach, take you swimming in the pool, and you’ve even been to two baseball games already!  We can’t wait for August to come so we can take you on your first flight (or maybe train ride) up north to see the rest of Mama and Daddy’s families.  They are so excited to meet you!

To date you have mastered rolling over in both directions (sometimes even when we don’t want you to!), can almost stand on your own (it’s incredible), and have a very hearty vocabulary.  You seem to love milk and food alike, and Mama can’t wait to continue making yummy homemade food for you to try.

It’s hard to believe you are about to be 5 months old…it seems like just yesterday I was smooching your sweet little cheeks for the first time in the hospital and asking in disbelief, “Are you my baby?”  I still ask you this every day, as if I can’t believe you are really mine.  Your daddy is so in love with you, and is so protective.  He hates when he has to work and doesn’t get to see you, so we try to make sure he gets plenty of love when he is home.   We can’t even imagine what the next month is going to bring, as you seem to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time.  Until next month, we love you more than life itself.

Love, Mama and Daddy

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