Sunday, March 25, 2012

15 Months

I can't believe how late I am with this post.  Admittedly, it's because I just haven't remembered to sit Nash down and take the darn pics.  I also wanted to do a video each month, but have been so busy on the weekends that it's never the right time.

Here are the details:

Teeth: 16 in and/or coming in right now
Diaper Size: 5
Clothing Size: 18-24 months
Shoe Size: 6
Hair still dirty blonde and eyes still a gray blue with hazel center
Sleeping: 9 pm to 7:30 am plus a nap from 1 pm until 3 or 4.

He's still not forming too many words...just Mama and Daddy...but he talks all the time.  I'm fairly certain I've heard him say "itty" (kitty) and "buh" (ball), but Joe thinks I'm crazy (he still doesn't always admit he's saying Mama and Daddy).

When we say "let's get your shoes on," he knows it means we're going somewhere.
When we ask him if he wants milk or juice, he runs to the fridge.
When I ask him if he's ready for bathtime, he heads to our bathroom and tries to climb in the tub.
He gives kisses on command (if he's not wrapped up in some funny toddler game).
He pretty much understands most of what we are saying, so we think we're tracking a-ok.

He's still the best eater in the world, but some days are better than others.  Some days he will literally wolf down anything you put in front of him as if he's been starved or something.  Other days, he'll barely pick all day.  Growth spurts?  He can drink from a cup pretty well now and has even shown some serious utensil-using skills lately!  I often just give him a fork or a spoon at mealtimes and he just tries and tries and tries.

He continues to amaze everyone with his dexterity.  He throws a ball overhand - far and straight.  We can actually play catch with him now (we hand him the ball as he can't catch yet).  He can/will kick a soccer ball across the room.  He "plays golf" with any club-like item and ball-like item whenever he sees them together. And he's figured out how to open just about anything...anything with a hinge or lid.  He even opens up my little makeup/lotion bottles (and occasionally squirts them into his hands...which he promptly rubs together just like Mama does).  He will color for short periods of time now, but still hasn't taken much interest in some of the craftier things I've tried to do with him (example:  letting him help me make green muffins on St. Patty's Day = toddler fail).  He's obsessed with his "friends" (stuffed animals) and squeals everytime he sees the kitty or his blanket lying around.

Overall, he's a sweet, happy boy who just loves a good giggle.

And that's our little muffin!  Can't believe he's growing up so fast...he appears to be such a little man some times, I can barely stand it.  Slow down, Nashie!

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