What a crazy week! I knew that since I had drill last weekend and Bub's birthday party was this Sunday that it was going to be crazy, but wow. I'm exhausted and the week's just starting. I need a vacation...too bad I used it all in August (which got messed up thanks to a hurricane randomly hitting the northeast). Shoutouts to Amy for starting this cool linkup... If you like this puppy, head on over to
a good life...it's full of goodness.
Get ready, here comes the week:
Sunday was the last day of drill until February!! But that meant a whole weekend of briefings..ugh! I tried really hard to stay awake, but it truly was death by powerpoint. I eventually had to sneak out to try and get some actual work done.
That night, I was so sore from the PT test on Saturday and exhausted from the week in general (plus Joe had to work a charity event at the bar), so I crawled into a hot bath with leftover Chipotle and my phone. #perfection
Back to work, back to work, work, work, work, work! Monday I spent quite a bit of time at the front desk because Mel had a little car trouble and couldn't make it in. That meant lots of selfies, for sure.
After work, we met Joe's parents at our favorite sushi restaurant where Bubs annihilated all the food we brought, then proceeded to go buck wild. After wrangling him into the car to get home for a bath, we remembered that TWO boxes had come from my friend Mindy and were waiting to be opened! She had her mom sent Nash a birthday and a Christmas gift all the way from Iraq! That's friendship, people!
The time was c.r.a.w.l.i.n.g. on Wednesday (especially those last 11 minutes), so I tried to pass the time by taking weird selfies. This is what goes on in radio...didn't you know?
Daddy was working again, so Bubs and I had dinner and snuggled a bit before calling it a day.
Thursday was a play place day!! Bubs is really starting to attack that place...he sprawled all over the plane, then took over the toy section. He was playing with the older kids even, although some of them were running him over. He finally decided it was cool to push the stroller himself (I have been waiting for this day), so it took us quite a while to get back to work. I spent the rest of the day perfecting the invite for our company Christmas party (can you say "last minute"?).
Once again, there was a giant box waiting when I got home. This time, Nash's Aunts had sent this incredible wooden table and chairs with sports stuff all over them! Nash just had to help daddy get it put together THAT NIGHT. And he totally took to the chairs and has been crawling (and standing) all over them ever since. Thanks Aunt Geega and Aunt Paula!
Friday Nash decided he would rather eat his birthday cards then read them, and I figured there must be fiber in them or something, so why not. After dinner, we snuggled on the couch for some Yo Gabba, and then I picked up a bit while Bubs sat in the corner and read his books (when did this start happening?).
Since Joe was at work (again), I stayed up late getting the house ready for the big weekend and even knocked out the foam lightsabers for the party (which were a hit, I might add). Thanks to Pinterest for that idea!
I'm so bummed I didn't take any pics at the first party we went to! Ok, let me back up. Saturday we had not one, but two birthday parties to attend! And they were both at the same time! First, we headed down south to our friend's Amanda, Jeff, and Baby Chase for his first birthday. They had this awesome polar express theme and tons of kids, good food, and fun times (which is why I'm bummed I didn't take pics). And to be honest, the pic from Stacie, Daniel, and Baby Daniel's party above - Joe took it. Yep, bad mother.
I did, however, manage to take pics of Joe and I on our margarita date (priorities, I tell ya!)...
So that's the week! Look for the post with birthday party and ONE YEAR update pics coming soon!