Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Letters to Nash - 9 Months

Dearest Nash, 

Such a crazy thing to be celebrating such a joyous occasion on such a sad day…10 years ago Monday the towers of the World Trade Center came crashing down thanks to a group of terrorists that have continued to affect our country this entire decade.  I am thankful you did not have to experience this horrible event, even though I know your years will likely feature a tragedy all their own.  But it’s your birthday nonetheless, so on to happier things.

My god you are amazing!  I’m truly stunned by how smart you are and all the skills you’ve picked up in the last few months.  You are standing, cruising, and falling like a pro!  I have no doubt that walking is in your near future, and although that thought frightens me (child-proofing!!), I’m excited to hold your hand as you take your first steps through life.  You love to explore and learn, so you’ve been crawling at warp speed whenever anyone puts you down!  You’re grabbing things, conquering obstacles (like Mama’s legs), and still love to jump, jump, jump.  You’re totally fearless and have come dangerously close to launching off the couch (and even out of our arms).  Couple that with your incredible baby strength and we are some tired parents!!  Most importantly, you have learned how to give kisses!  It’s the highlight of my day, every day, to get a kiss from you. 

You have 6 teeth now!  You chew like a pro and seem to prefer the chunkier foods over that overly processed mush that we sometimes try to feed you.  You love pasta with tomato sauce, wheat toast with butter, fruit, and your little baby snacks.  But you eat pretty much everything we give you.  You are learning to use the sippy cup (but still don’t like it much), and have taken to needing a drink after every few bites (washing it down).  You are drinking about 24 ounces of milk a day now, but some days you seem to care less! 

You’re such a good sleeper!  You even managed to nap on the plane both ways when we went up North to see the family!  You sleep 10-12 hours at night (although you usually wake up at least once for about 2 ounces of milk…might be more habit than hunger) and take two 1-2 hour naps a day.  You thrive on schedules, and we try not to make your days too crazy so as to throw you off.   Our nighttime routine is still the same as it’s always been, with bath time, a bottle, stories, singing, and rocking.   When it’s bath time and the water is running, you know it’s time to get undressed, so you help Mama take your shirt off!  Those 30-40 minutes at night are the best for Mama because it’s time she gets you all to herself and we get to sit and cuddle.  Sometimes it’s tough though because you like to fight diapers, clothes, and stories all the time…

You don’t really have a favorite toy, but you sure do love to play with all of them!  You literally crawl from one toy to the next almost the whole time you are in your play area…and every now and then stop to look out the window or play with one of us.  You like to “take everything with you”…often holding an arm or a tag in your mouth with the rest of the toy dragging behind you as your crawl.  You have become quite attached to your blanket and know that when you get it (and the binkie), it’s time for bed.  Mama and Daddy have limited the binkie to sleep time because you were REALLY starting to get attached to that. 

As we prepared for your first holiday season, Daddy and I are so excited for all the things we will get to do.  We’re excited for you to experience your first Halloween, eat your first Thanksgiving dinner, and celebrate Christmas for the first (real) time.  We are also beginning to plan your first birthday and can’t believe you are already nine months old!  I know there are other things I want to write in here, but this letter is already so long and I can hardly remember all of the amazing things you do every day. 

Love you more than life,
Mama and Daddy

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