Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week in iPhone Pics #8

I took a lot of pics this week, but the majority of them are so blurry and craptastic. It's tough trying to catch my little man long enough to take a pic...he n.e.v.e.r. stops. Like ever. So I chose the best ones of the bunch and think it represents our week pretty darn well. Linkin' up with Amy over at a good life...her blog is one of my faves, so give her some love too.  And here we go:

I started the week off right with an early morning run and a protein shake (protein powder, strawberries, bananas, spinach, flaxseed, and kiwi).  After hitting the work hard in the am, I met my favorite crew at the mall for some food and friend-making.  Nashman took 2.2 seconds to head on over to the big kids and say, "hey, wanna hang out?"  After lunch, I headed back to work (boo!) to finish working on some super cool projects for our upcoming rating period (it's like sweeps week, but for radio).
I was so excited to spend some time with Nash since I didn't get a weekend, so we snuggled, got a clean and yummy in our bath, and then hit the sheets.  Daddy and Tabby (kitty #1) snuggled in bed too...  She usually takes my side of the bed as soon as I get can see her waiting for me to leave...

Tuesday featured some incredible retail therapy at my favorite little may have heard of it.  I snagged some sweet of which was featured in my FFWU yesterday.  But the website crashed!  So I couldn't browse for more Missoni stuff!  While I was out spending the moolah, Daddy took Nash out to play in the yard and he was one happy baby.  

When I got home, we gathered up the crew and ran over to Roadhouse for dinner (we are still spending the gift certificates Joe got for trade).  Nash did great...ate tons of food (and was serious about his snacks) and even made some friends.  Afterwards, we hit up our local fave Del's Freeze  Best. Soft serve. Ever.  Period.  Bubs tried some of Mimi's chocolate cone and (needless to say) he loved it.

I forgot my wallet at home on Wednesday, so I had to head all the way home for lunch.  It ended up being awesome because I got to spend some time with Nash, who is working on walking with his, er, walker.  He's getting so darn close to this walking thing, we're literally holding our breaths each time he stands up and lets go.  The rest of my day was consumed with decorating my office (again), graciously accepting compliments on my brand spanking new Missoni for Target dress (love love love), and waiting for when I could go home and scrub-a-dub-dub my little man.  After some high-level toy analysis, we sat down for a good book and some milk.  

Nash slept great Thursday, so we ran in to get him around 7 am and we laid in bed drinking some milk before Mama had to get in the shower.  Nash has been wanting to feed himself lately (even though he's seriously lacking in self-feeding skills), so I let him man- baby-handle his own toast.  He managed to not shove too much in his mouth at one time.  

My day was uber hectic and I forgot my cell phone at home, so I didn't get a chance to take any pics during the day.  I did, however, manage to capture the awesome little bubble family that set up shop on top of Nash's head while we were in the bath.  Those things don't pop!  Since Joe works on Thursday night, I crawled into bed with a good read and relaxed until my eyes fell shut.

Friday was one of my co-worker's birthdays, so I brought in some homemade margarita cheesecakes for everyone (did I forget to mention all the time I spent slaving away making these yesterday?  Yeah?  Oh damn, must have been blocking it out).  I also hit up Joann's at lunch to snag some supplies for an upcoming super secret awesomeness project that may or may not include peeps and spiderwebs.  

I spent my night hanging with the little man (daddy had to work early tonight), so we played, ate dinner and cheesecake, and took selfies (Nash loves to take pics of his, er, hand).  He had some trouble falling asleep (didn't get a good afternoon nap), so I spent about an hour in his nursery just letting him try to fall asleep on my chest (he was super fidgety).  Poor little man...we so need a bed in his room.

Well that's our week!  Lots of excitingly ordinary things, I think...hope you don't think it's dull or whatever.  K, thanks.
Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

1 comment:

  1. looks like a good week! i spent a good part of my tuesday looking at that "woof!" target screen too. boo!


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