Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week in iPhone Pics #9

I admit I wasn't that great at taking pics this week.  It's been really hectic with one of our big sellers out all week and another one out for half the week...and Bubs got sick...  So I was often too busy to remember to pull out my phone.  But I knew Amy over at a good life would be taking her pics, so I dug for my phone and clicked away...

Monday was work day for me (::insert bawling tears here::), so I had to leave Bubs with my mom and Joe.  They seemed to have a grand ole time, as witnessed by his robot-shirted giggles with Miss Hippo.  I was stuck in the office ALL DAY thanks to a lunch-time meeting, so tried to make sure I drank lots of lots of water so I would have the energy to make it! 

Once 5:30 rolled around, I ran home to find Nash practicing his golf skills...something tells me there is a pic like this of Tiger Woods somewhere...  And lo and behold, I came home to not only a clean house (thank you, husband), but dinner was made (thank you, mama)!!  I couldn't have been happier...

 Tuesday was a Target day for me (yayy), but something not so yayy happened while I perusing the shoe aisle (I need more shoes like a fat kid needs a twinkie).  I stumbled a bit while trying on these cute little black wedges and crunch.  Yes, it's true...I broke my D&G sunnies.  Had them for several years now and they set me back a pretty penny, so I'm still in mourning.  So I spent another pretty penny on Halloween stuff at Target and Joann's to decorate my office for the upcoming festivus halloweenus (never mind that it's only September).

That night, Bubs seemed a bit out of it, so I spent some time cuddling with him and we played in the bath for an extra little bit before calling it a night.

Wednesday morning started out on the wrong foot when Joe told me Nash threw up all over his crib in the middle of the night and didn't even cry to let me know something was wrong (so he slept in it all night...see venting post here).  I felt terrible for him, so was down in the dumps all day.  Only thing that perked me up was getting to do fun projects at work for the BBQ Fest this weekend.  I love giant paper cutters!

I didn't take any pics of Nash because he was all sick and just wanted to be held, so I obliged.  I did, however, thrust the camera in Joe's face and make him take a couch pic with me.  Us in all our glamorous glory, people!

Thursday Nash was feeling better, and he even managed to share a few smiles with me first thing in the morning.  I headed off to work with a renewed fervor, knowing he wasn't gonna barf his brains out while I was slaving away at my desk.  At lunch, we met at the mall, and ran into someone who used to work for Joe (such a small town, I tell ya) at the mall play place.  Bubs loved every minute of it and copped a bit of a 'tude when I made him stop for a family portait...and we won't even talk about when I told him we had to leave cause Mama had to go back to work (all jokes aside, he's such a good kid).

Friday was an pretty insane 24 hours.  Work was weird because everyone was out at the BBQ Fest, so I was just kinda hanging out by myself.  I did have to run out to get my car serviced, so I got to drive around the sweet Lexus RX...and it was white even!  In the afternoon, I found a cool circuit workout I wanna try next week!

That night, Joe had to work so my mom stayed with Nash while I hit the town with some ladies.  My friend Tiffany and I glammed it up and hit the streets of downtown.  A few other ladies met us out and we got our drinky drink on.   Later that night, we felt the crazy come out and we couldn't believe how many people were out.  The band Modern English was playing, and we lucked out and got to watch from an office above the Flatiron.  Thanks internet dudes!  I went home kinda early though because I had to be up bright and early to man the tent at BBQ Fest.

And that's it...a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and all kinds of fun.

Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

1 comment:

  1. looks like a great week! {well, except for sick nash.... booo} and good for you for taking your pictures ;)


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