Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our 4th of July

I know this post is a little late, but I've been busy so you get it on the 6th.  I'll try harder next year.

 Our day started out pretty normal.  We put on a sweet 4th of July outfit (I meant to decorate that shirt, but never got around to it), ate a yummy breakfast, and played together. 

Never mind that his binkie is upside down...we haven't figured that part out yet.

We spent some time with the in-laws, then popped outside for a family photo.  Notice the red, white, and blue (well, Joe's blue, Nash is red, and I'm white, so we're a bit out of order).  And I look like hell...

Around 8:30 pm, we woke up a sleeping Nashie, strapped him into his car seat before he even had a chance to focus his sleepy eyes, and took a ride to the causeway to watch fireworks.  Seemed a bit crazy to be jockeying for a parking spot and running across a 4-lane highway with an infant in the dark, but you only have your first 4th of July once.  So we did it.

We were quite far away from where the fireworks were going off, but we knew it was even more of a zoo down closer in.  So all my pics are terribly fuzzy from both the lack of light and the distance.

Nash seemed more interested in the cars racing behind us on the street...and we were so far away he couldn't even hear the fireworks anyways.  Hey, at least he didn't get scared.

Yep, this is as good as any of my pics get.  Note to self, must figure out how to turn flash off when shooting in manual mode.  For some reason, my flash always goes off unless I'm in the specific "no flash" setting.  But then I can't adjust any others settings (like when trying to capture fireworks for instance).  Any ideas?

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