Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday's Fashion Wrap Up

It's the freakin weekend!  I couldn't be more excited...and it's a three day to boot!!  Anyways, let's commence with the regularly scheduled program.

Went kind of comfy today, but damn if that shirt didn't keep falling down or over or whatever.  Perhaps a bit too low cut for office work.
 Linen pants are Guess.
Shirt is Express.
Cardi is ancient H&M.
 Wedges are Charlotte Russe.
 Earrings are ??

Went for something a little unconventional today.  Sometimes you just gotta switch things ups.
 Silk Jumper is Bebe.
Cardi is H&M.
 Shoes are Jessica Simpson that you've seen before (hey, I love them and they're neutral).

FINALLY wearing this business dress I bought a million years ago, but never quite had the right job environment to wear it in.  Here's to digging things out of your closet...and being a clothes hoarder.
 Dress is Express.
Shoes are Jessica Simpson.

FORGOT TO TAKE A PIC!  Ugh, and my outfit was super cute.

 Wearing my favorite jeans to the office today.  My last day of work (and sadly, fashion posting) before almost a month of Army duty.  Might as well enjoy it.

 Jeans are Chip & Pepper bought in DC.
Shirt is actually a long tunic from Arden B.
Wedges are Charlotte Russe.
 Earrings are Charlotte Russe.

Well folks, this is the last Friday Fashion Wrap Up I will do until the last week of July!  But I will try to do some Steppin Out Saturdays, so my blog is still fashionable each week.

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  1. You look super cute!!! Also... you mean you wont give a rundown of your weekly attire while working for the Army. But the outfit is oh so stylish and diverse daily!!!

  2. Thanks!! Haha...yeah, that would be the most "interesting" fashion wrap up ever! Camo, camo, some more camo, felt like camo again, all I had left was camo...

    Gonna do some weekend fashion posts though, which will be more like what I actually wear these days (pajama pants anyone??).


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