Thursday, July 7, 2011

We Need Your Help

I feel like lately all I've been doing is petitioning for my kid. Photo contests, magazine covers, weekly cutie, you name it. I'm beginning to feel the pains of politics and want nothing more than to crawl back into my safe little world and forget about my pushiness.

However, there are times in life when votes are needed, and thus must be asked for. You see, in the competitive world of blogging, anyone and everyone can jot down some thoughts and have a blog. Only a few ever really make it, and all us newbies sit back and aspire to be like them (See my favorites here, here, and here).

Well, lately I've been trying to be more proactive in getting our little blog out there, in front of people. I'm truly excited to share our humble life with anyone who is interested, and love reading about everyone else's lives as well. One of the ways we all are able to stumble upon the blogs of others is through a little site called Top Baby Blogs. Anyone can list their blog, as long as they meet the requirements, and then it's all up to the voters. We rely on those who read, and love, our blogs to support us so we can keep going (even if it's only a mental accomplishment and there's no monetary gain).

Top Baby, Daddy & Mommy Blogs on TopBabyBlogs.Com

So, if you like reading blog, please take a moment (I know we mommies don't have that many free moments) and vote. You can vote everyday...or just every time you stumble upon one of our posts. Vote for every post or just the ones you really like...each vote means the world to us. So thank you. For reading. For Blogging. And for Voting.

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