Saturday, July 23, 2011

Week in iPhone Pics #3

This week was the first week I had to spend all 5 days of the week at Army duty, so boo on that.  Joe kept me up-to-date on what was happening at home by sending me pics of the little man.  He's gotten so good at the getting up thing that all he wants to do it sit up, stand up, pull up...

 Joe took him on a little road trip into work (which is a rarity for him...he doesn't usually like to take the baby places on his own).  Once I got home, we laid a blanket out in the back yard and hung out until Nash got fussy.  He gave us some cute faces so I whipped out the iPhone real quick!

Tuesday started off bad.  While getting gas in the morning on the way to work, I noticed that I had put on two different pairs of flip flops.  Sweet.  Despite the ridiculous heat, I decided to do a circuit workout outside.  Short run, then some upper and lower body exercises, and a short run back.  Ouch.

 At lunch, I used my trusty iPhone Maps application to locate the nearest Barnes and Noble, which was insanely close to Chipotle (where I eat everyday).  So I stopped in and checked out some photography books...nothing like sitting on the floor and reading books without paying for them.  To satisfy my need for baby love, Joe sent me a cute pic of the little man going for a walk. 

Hump Day!  I did some P90X Yoga on Wednesday to combat all the soreness I was experiencing.  Nashie spent time with Daddy in the morning and had a blast looking out the window at all the things passing by (standing up).

I didn't really do much work in the afternoon, admittedly.  After yesterday's photography reads, I decided to find some good websites and learn a few new things about my camera.   Since I'm a Public Affairs Officer, I consider it professional development.  I venture outside of auto all the time, but it's really just trial and error...I don't really know what I'm doing.

That night, Joe and I put the Muffin to bed, ordered some pizza, and cuddled on the couch.  Love.

Thursday was boring.  Just a fact.  So boring that I needed a Diet Coke at 10 am.  And I spent time surfing where I learned all kinds of things about my phone and computer...  Makes me wanna get into all this geeky nerd stuff!

Back at home, the little man was rocking the camo just for Mama (along with some sweet drool spots).  Before bed we spent some quality time practicing our stand up skills (again).

Friday I tried to make up for the lack of pics during the week.  I started the day with some yummy homemade banana bread courtesy of one of the ladies in my unit.  At lunch, we all hit up the Alehouse to say farewell to our beloved 1SG...and I ate the spiciest damn sashimi tuna salad EVER (can we say overdose on the wasabi ranch)...

I got out of work at 4 (yes!), so I rushed home to hang out with my man.  Joe had to work early tonight, so it was just the two of us.  We played, shared some chipotle and crushed mangoes and peaches, and then took a naked stroll around the house before bedtime.  After putting Nash to bed, I cleaned the whole house (my friend Sandra is coming tomorrow and we don't want to look like slobs) and even rearranged the whole baby play area.  I basically gave him the whole right side (which is like a dining room).  I painted my toenails, tried out that no-heat curls thing that's blowing up Pinterest, and caught up on some tv.

Hope you enjoyed seeing my week in's fun trying to remember to take pics every day and looking for cool new things to capture for you guys. Linking up with Amy at a good life again!

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